
Showing posts from May, 2011

php - compare two multidimensional arrays of object and set new property true/false pending match on larger set -

i have array of objects example: larger set: array( [0] stdclass object( [id] => 1, [name] => monkey, [sub] => ), [1] stdclass object( [id] => 1, [name] => tooth, [sub] => tip ), [2] stdclass object( [id] => 1, [name] => who, [sub] => knows ), ) smaller set array( [0] stdclass object( [id] => 1, [name] => monkey, [sub] => ) desired out come: array( [0] stdclass object( [id] => 1, [name] => monkey, [sub] => help, [selected] => yes

c# - How do I cast object to inherited class? -

say have: class tiger: xelement { public tiger(xelement t) :base(t) { } } and have xdoucment named tigers, how do things like: xelement t = tigers.descendants("tiger").elementat(0); (tiger)t; t tiger; the first 1 throws me exception: cannot cast 't' (which has actual type of 'system.xml.linq.xelement') 'zoo.tiger' second 1 return null. trying achieve reference in xelement , cast tiger . can things xelement.add can directly affect reference in xdocument. you cannot use inheritance this. object returned elementat xelement, not tiger, , there's nothing can change that. if give furry animal makes meow, there's no way can make dog, though dog subclass of animal. you can, however, use composition: class tiger { public xelement xelement { get; private set; } public tiger(xelement xelement) { this.xelement = xelement; } } usage: xelement x = tigers.descendants("tiger").e

SSIS - ETL - Transfer tables/databases from many servers? -

i have 6-7 identical databases (almost). want copy data of tables of each of these servers corresponding table of 1 server. is, multiple sources , 1 destination server. servers have different ips. how do task ? loop appropriate this. if yes, way ? i might perform bit of transform. not sure of now. safe, want use ssis. here overview of how can set each loop loop through databases, provided tables indentical. it overkill though. ssis loop list of connection strings in master package, executing 2 other packages each connection string

css3 - CSS 3 hover issue -

i have div in sidebar. whole div link takes part of website. now, there small flower image in left side of div, background image. when hover div flower should rotate fade in , out. if apply animation on entire div, div rotate, not background image. solved this: flower in absolutely positioned div , rotates , fades in , out continuously (if apply animation :hover rotates when hover directly on image.) is want? #foo { width: 300px; height: 500px; background-color: #eee; position: relative; } #foo:after { content: ""; width: 20px; height: 20px; background-color: #f00; position: absolute; top: 10px; left: 10px; -moz-transition: 1s; -o-transition: 1s; -webkit-transition: 1s; transition: 1s } #foo:hover:after { -ms-filter: ""; filter: alpha(opacity=0); opacity: 0; -moz-transform: rotate(45deg

c# - Can't access directory services from server - DirectoryServicesCOMException -

i'm trying query ad in (4.0) application running on windows server 2008 r2 (iis7 installed). in runs fine on local computer (windows 7), not on server. i'm trying userid of current user. i've looked @ q&a of similar question, no success. here's code snip... public partial class default : { principalcontext principalctx = new principalcontext(contexttype.domain); userprincipal currentuser = userprincipal.current; the web.config has <authentication mode="windows"/> <identity impersonate="true" /> and here's error & stack trace... [directoryservicescomexception (0x80072020): operations error occurred. ] system.directoryservices.directoryentry.bind(boolean throwiffail) +781 system.directoryservices.directoryentry.bind() +44 system.directoryservices.directoryentry.get_adsobject() +42 system.directoryservices.propertyvaluecollection.populatelist() +29 sy

compression - SSH command gets terminated while compressing a directory -

i compressing big directory 50gb containing files , folder using putty ssh command line.i using command: tar czspf file.tar.gz directory/ it starts work fine, after time gets terminated single word message "terminated" , compression stopped near 16gb of tar archive. is there way escape terminated error or how deal problem, or other method make tar of directory avoiding terminate error.thanks probably conflict kind of file size limit. not file system supports big files. in case pipe output of tar split command this: tar czsp directory/|split -b4g fileprefix-

php - Codeigniter: unable to display the uploaded image with spaces and capitalizing subsequent words -

from below code able upload images spaces , capitalizing subsequent words, if try view such images view page not visible. getting error the uri submitted has disallowed characters. i displaying images <img src="<?php echo base_url().'uploads/avatar/'.$avatar?>"/> how can fix error, allow img tag read image name spaces , capitalizing subsequent words. or alternative solution, how how can remove spaces or capitalizing subsequent words image name while uploading? i uploading file below code. function do_upload() { $this->load->library('form_validation'); if((isset($_files['userfile']['size'])) && ($_files['userfile']['size'] > 0)) { $this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters('<li class="errorlist">', '</li>')->set_rules('userfile', 'new image', 'trim|callback

node.js - Tell Mocha to use CoffeeScript files by default -

i'm trying set testing in mocha application i'm writing using zappa.js. far i've been following this tutorial , , converting need js coffeescript. however i'm little stuck trying run tests. have makefile, looks this: reporter = dot test: @node_env=test ./node_modules/.bin/mocha \ --reporter $(reporter) \ .phony: test and i've set package.json file run tests so: { "scripts": { "test": "make test" } } the issue i'm finding that, because i'm trying write mocha tests using coffeescript well, mocha not pick of tests in "test/" folder when run "npm test". know fact can tell mocha run .coffee files using following in terminal (which works): mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script what want know how go telling mocha use coffeescript files default? ok managed find way solve own question, thought i'd share in case else need this. note: coffeescript 1.7+ --require coffee-s

android - to display items in a listview based on a parameter -

i displaying 3 details database in 1 row of listview after user clicks on list item details should made visible in activity in list view.i tried m getting blank activity open instead of list.. listview.setonitemclicklistener(new onitemclicklistener() { public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> listview, view view, int position, long id) { // cursor, positioned corresponding row in result set cursor cursor = (cursor) listview.getitematposition(position); // state's capital row in database. int appno=cursor.getint(cursor.getcolumnindexorthrow("appln_no")); intent objintent=new intent(getapplicationcontext(),displaydetails.class); objintent.putextra("countrycode", countrycode); startactivity(objintent); } }); here m passing appno parameter next intent details related app

asp classic - javascript exception:object expected without any reason -

i writing webesite , i'm using javascript in code,befor have used in code , working successfully!but doesn't work , says object expected!i don't know problem,because working befor! poece of code: <script type="text/javascript"src=""> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { var interval = setinterval(time, 1000); }); // ending ')' missing </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function time() { var date = new date(); var hour = date.gethours(); var min = date.getminutes(); var sec = date.getseconds(); $('#time2').val(hour + ":" + min + ":" + sec); } </script>' the time2 in , input;but doesn't show thing!!!!with error:object expected

installation - Wix 3.7 Burn - how to do a custom splash screen with dynamic information -

i have wix burn custom installer using managedbootstrapperapplicationhost. want is, have splash screen, version no. don't want change splash screen image everytime update installation. have version no have set in bundle. how can achieve same, have create own window image , manage splashscreen ? or there other way ? now don't want change splash screen image everytime update installation. i agree should done programmatically. me, important end-users have single version label refer when managing software configuration or reporting issues. and, following dry principle , means during build there 1 place should drawn from. but, since different development , deployment tools , resources, including splash screens, need different formats, find worthwhile invest in build steps create or update places version needed. splash screens, imagemagick can draw text on images. using msbuild (e.g., via bootstrapper .wixproj file), can extract version bundle , draw on

javascript - Change div's width by a value in JS -

how change div 's width value, this: += "100px"; it works when want set value (i.e. width = "100px" ) problem += operator. this work vanilla javascript solution (since didn't mention jquery): var somediv = document.getelementbyid("somediv"); var w = 0; if (typeof somediv.clip !== "undefined") { w = somediv.clip.width; } else { if ( { w =; } else { w = somediv.offsetwidth; } } = (w + 100) + "px";

html - Php working on localhost but not on server -

i've been working on code , tested on localhost, works fine, when opload server doesn't work beyond php tags. no errors showing either. have checked both php versions , on localhost run version 5.4.7 , on server it's version 5.3.21. maybe causing problem? there should in phpinfo()? im missing in code? here code: <!doctype html> <?php phpinfo(); ?> <html> <head> <script src=""></script> <meta charset="utf-8"> <style> body { background:black;} .toggle { display:none; } p { width:570px; text-align:justify; color:#686868; font-family:georgia, serif; } h2 { color:black; } button { background:#686868; border:none; font-family:georgia, serif; width:570px; } </style> </head> <body> <?php include('sql.php'); $i = 0; while($

html - Table filtering/searching with javascript/jquery based on tags -

i have table each row includes list of tags. able search these tags , narrow table down rows contain specific tag/s. example, if type in search box 2tag1 tagg 2 rows contain these tags. my table looks this: my table html looks this: <table class="table table-hover" id="tbl2"> <thead> <tr> <th class="span1">merktu við spurningar</th> <th class="span4"><strong>spurning</strong></th> <th class="span4"><strong>vægi spurningar</strong></th> <th class="span4">tegund spurningar</th> <th class="span2">búin til</th> <th class="span4">tags</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="tbl2body">

mysql - How could I create a sub-query in cakePHP? -

how create sub-query in cakephp find method? example: select *, (select count(*) table2 table2.field1 = count table1 table1.field1 = 'value' !!! table2.field1 = !!! you can 1 of 2 ways: 1. use $this->model->query(...) this allows execute sql directly using query posted above aware can make application quite brittle if database schema change. fastest.( documentation ) example $this->model1->query("select * model;"); 2. separate calls this not fast option 1 give ability break query down number of steps. you're unlikely sql injection potential risk option 1. example $model1s = $this->model1->find ( 'all', array ( 'conditions' => array('model1.field1' => 'value') ) ); foreach($model1s $model1) { $model1['model2_count'] = $this->model2->find ( 'count', array ( 'cond

CSS responsive design - detect portrait display -

i know it's pure css possible adapt stylesheet according screen dimensions, this: @media (max-width: 959px) { /* styles smallest viewport widths */ } @media (min-width: 600px) , (max-width: 959px) { /* styles mid-tier viewport widths */ } @media (min-width: 960px) { /* original css styles */ } ( source ) is pure css possible check on landscape or portrait display? yes, using following syntax: @media , (orientation: landscape) {} see w3 specs more information.

java - How to remove port number from web service endpoint in wsdl file -

i working on migration of web service axis-1 axis-2 , every thing going till on local system, when deployed these services sit server can see endpoint generated axis-2 in wsdl files having port number not supposed there, in production environment url's of services not having port number. port number having same port number, configured in axis2.xml , , did these service available on https . i want know there way remove port number endpoint in wsdl file or not. i know while calling service can override end point, user of our services using wsdl dynamically, end point needs correct. please suggests. if urls of web service on sit not have ports in them, means using default ports per http or https defaults i.e. = or = so can specify same in axis2.xml also, there property called hostname in axis2.xml should specified host name of sit server

javascript - Assign a value to global variable inside a function -

i have problem assigning value global variable , using inside of function. here code: var chartinfo = {"c0":"0", "c1":"0"}; // global variable $.getjson("", function(json1){ chartinfo = json1; // need assign json1's value chartinfo }); $(function () { $(document).ready(function() { alert("external chartinfo " +; // need use chartinfo here the alert fails because request not finished yet. try this: var chartinfo = { "c0": "0", "c1": "0" }; var jqxhr = $.getjson("", function (json1) { console.log("success"); }) .done(function () { chartinfo = json1; alert("external chartinfo " +; // need use chartinfo here }) .fail(function () { console.log("error"); })

ios - replace / load database on iphone -

my simulator runs fine , fast. iphone seems freezing @ part try create , fill database. prefer use database simulator , put on iphone user doesn't have recreate database. know how can load database added folders. i searched lot either outdated or different want. added database file finder xcode project. if i'm correct have change _databasepath point wherever file is, correct? and if it, 1 code here: /var/mobile/applications/65b5541a-1e73-46f6-ab5a-c5988003103e/documents/paths.db no 1 dragged xcode. looked @ organizer, can see there documents/paths.db since misses other files assume that code created db , not dragged in. tried delete can't select it. can help? in header: @property (strong, nonatomic) nsstring *databasepath; @property (nonatomic) sqlite3 *pathdb; in .m: - (void) createdatabaseifnotexist { nsstring *docsdir; nsarray *dirpaths; // documents directory dirpaths = nssearchpathfordirectoriesindomains(nsdocumentdirectory, nsuserdo

python - tk messagebox import confusion -

i'm beginning learn tkinter @ moment, , when importing messagebox found must not understand import statements. the thing confuses me that: import tkinter tk def text_box(): if tk.messagebox.askokcancel("quit", "never mind"): root.destroy() root = button = tk.button(root, text="press button", command=text_box) button.pack() root.mainloop() compiles fine, pressing button gives error 'module' object has no attribute 'messagebox' , while code: import tkinter tk tkinter import messagebox ... if messagebox.askokcancel("quit", "never mind"): ... without hitch. i similar error if import from tkinter import * . the tkinter shows messagebox in list of package contents , can't load in normal way. so question is, why...and importing don't understand? just thought should mention—the code works in python 3, , in python 2.x messagebox called tkmessagebox , not def

c++ - Binary structure delete error -

this whole program. right now,the delete function not write temp file. i'll try change str array string , see if helps. the program supposed read write edit search , sort binary file structures. #include <cstdlib> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include<string> #include<limits> #include<iomanip> #include<stdio.h> #include <errno.h> using namespace std; const int size=40; char typedef str[size]; char fname[]="c:/solident.dat"; char tname[]="c:/temp.dat"; struct rec{int id;str lname,fname;}; //prototypes void menu(string&); void engine(string&,rec&,fstream&,fstream&,int,char[],char[]); void openfile(char[]); void addrec(rec&,char[]); void delall(char[]); void listall(rec&,fstream &,char[]); void apprec(rec&,fstream &,char[]); void delrec(rec&,fstream &, fstream &,char[],char []); void srcrec(rec&,fstream& ,char[])

c# - Can't seem to save database tables in visual studio 2012 -

i know there supposed 'update' button rather save button used have in 2010. i've literally been searching 2 hours , can't seem find button, after searching forums. alt+shift+u doesn't seem work also. appreciated. thanks! hey can save table in .sql format please refer screen shot please refer link also. refer link

html - Invocation target exception on Java applet -

i'm finishing project first java class, , i'm creating applet embedded html. i'm getting invocation target exception , can't figure out. of classes in same dir along html file , jar file. they're in file save of java projects, if location has it. it's program 2 sub classes event listeners buttons in main class. it's meant count votes listeners, , runs normally, not html applet. don't think code of program going issue, here is: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class votes { static int a; static int b; static textfield yescount; static textfield nocount; public static void main(string[] args) { yeslistener yus = new yeslistener(); nolistener nos = new nolistener(); = 0; b = 0; frame frame = new frame("votes"); frame.setsize(600, 600); frame.setvisible(true); label label = new label("is java fun programming lang

memory management - C, set a variable in a structure -

i have problem program written in c. indeed, stops @ line e->identifiant=0; code : struct evenement* e=(struct evenement*)(malloc(sizeof(struct evenement))); e->identifiant=0; with : struct evenement{ int identifiant; char titre[100]; struct creneau creneau; char lieu[50]; char description[500]; }; have idea ? i compiled , run this: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct evenement{ int identifiant; char titre[100]; char lieu[50]; char description[500]; }; int main() { struct evenement* e=(struct evenement*)(malloc(sizeof(struct evenement))); e->identifiant = 0; printf("%d", e->identifiant); return 0; } and, there no problem. can tell error? i deleted struct creneau creneau; line, beacuse no description of it. can problem?

java - creating array in javascript from array object pass in by request.setAttribute in servlet -

i'm trying create dynamic photo gallery retrieve photo's location mysql. store location photo object under name ' private string location; ' there arraylist hold different photos. after, servlet forward jsp page request.setattribute("list", list); request.getrequestdispatcher("car.jsp").forward(request, response); i have java script photo gallery takes in array of, ["path_to_image", "optional_link", "optional_linktarget", "optional_textdescription"]. imagearray: [ ["path_to_image", "optional_link", "optional_linktarget", "optional_textdescription"], ["a.jpg", "", "", ""] ], i retrieve location object in list passed in servlet , convert imagearray photo gallery work. i'm quite new javascript , i've been looking around similar example or tutorial couldn't find relevant ones. please me out, thank time

php - Code Igniter GroceryCRUD Tutorial Fata Exception Table DOes Not Exist -

i'm new code igniter , grocerycrud. after basic installation , verification created database tables , began following newbie tutorial located here. fatal error: uncaught exception exception message table name not exist. please check database , try again. in /library/webserver/documents/application/libraries/grocery_crud.php:4349 stack trace: #0 /library/webserver/documents/application/libraries/grocery_crud.php(3875): grocery_crud->get_table() #1 /library/webserver/documents/application/libraries/grocery_crud.php(3891): grocery_crud->pre_render() #2 /library/webserver/documents/application/controllers/main.php(27): grocery_crud->render() #3 [internal function]: main->employees() #4 /library/webserver/documents/system/core/codeigniter.php(359): call_user_func_array(array, array) #5 /library/webserver/documents/index.php(202): require_once(/library/webser...) #6 {main} thrown in /library/we

ubuntu - UFW: Allow ping requests only for specific host -

i setuping server , must disable ping requests except me , list of hosts (aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd). i using tool ufw, on ubuntu server, read have comment lines: ok icmp codes -a ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type destination-unreachable -j accept -a ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type source-quench -j accept -a ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type time-exceeded -j accept -a ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type parameter-problem -j accept -a ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j accept, however, doing disallow ping, problem because need "aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd" have response ping requests. can me write correct command? thank lot in advance. i stumbled on 4 month old question. should listed on different stackexchange (such serverfault), developer needs configure firewall. is, i'm here answer you. for firewall rules, you'll want accept packets safe ips first , drop rest. here's how did it: let's assume want accept 1 safe ip pings ,

javascript - Error in render backbone by handlebars:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Object' of undefined -

i have fetched collection , used function tojson() , result this: object {results: array[4]}; so passing object handlebars compare error: uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'object' of undefined. var wrapper; var homeview = backbone.view.extend({ template: handlebars.compile(template), events: { }, initialize: function () { console.log("inhomeview"); var amici = new usercollection(); amici.fetch({ success: function () { amici.each(function (object) { console.log(object.tojson()); wrapper = object.tojson(); }); }, error: function (amici, error) { // collection not retrieved. } }); this.render(); }, render: function () { var context = wrapper; var html = this.template(context); console.log(html); $('

entity framework 4 - which is the difference betwwen this two ways to refresh the dbContext? -

i using ef 4.4 , update many entities, other user can modified many of entities first user modified. concurrency exception. other case first user tries add many new registers , other user added of them meanwhile. have exception exists of registers (unique constraint). i ensure first user finish operation add registers no exists yet (add entities except entities added second user). to that, need update entities in dbcontext see there @ least 2 options. first, in catch when capture update exception, can do: ex.entries.single().reload(); the second option is: mycontext.entry<mytable>(instance).reload(); i guess second option refreshes entity use parameter, if problem need refresh many entities, how can that? what first option, single().reload ? when do ex.entries.single().reload(); you sure offending entity refreshed. taking 1 , ( single ) entity dbupdateconcurrencyexception.entries not saved database (in case of concurrency exception one). wh

mathematical optimization - Linear constraint with a floor function in Gurobi -

i building milp constraint system. following constraint need build. floor(a-b) <= 2c - 1 here, , b real-valued. c integer variable. need floor function able assign appropriate values variables. how add constraint in gurobi? appreciated. assume bounded constant maxa , similarilily let b <= maxb. then, use inequalities (1): < b + c*maxa (2): b <= + (1-c)*maxb. let a>=b, (1) implies c=1, , (2) trivially satisfied, independent on c. otherwise, assume less b , (2) implies c=0 , (1) becomes trivial. (you should skip (2), if want assure a>=b implies c=1, , not care c otherwise.)

c# - Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute -

i have code , giving me collection modified , cannot enumerate anymore, wasn't changing value: public static void addtodictionary(string words, dictionary<int, int> dwords) { if (dcache.containskey(words)) { dictionary<int, int> _dwordcache = dcache[words]; //error right here foreach (int _key in _dwordcache.keys) { int _value = _dwordcache[_key]; if (dwords.containskey(_key)) { dwords[_key] = (dwords[_key] + _value); } else { dwords[_key] = _value; } } } } i'm changing dwords , not changing _dwordcache . there 2 dictionaries. can understand if changing _dwordcache give me error parameter being changed. are sure dcache[words] element not modified elsewhere while foreach running?

php - How to echo multiple results from database -

how echo multiple results. displays recipe names want able echo steps database well. field in database step 1. <?php if (isset($_post['search'])) { $ingredient1 = $_post['dropdown1']; $ingredient2 = $_post['dropdown2']; $ingredient3 = $_post['dropdown3']; $recipes = mysql_query(" select distinct `name` `recipe` r inner join `recipe_ingredients` ri on = ri.recipe_id ri.ingredient_id in (".$ingredient1.",".$ingredient2.",".$ingredient3.") "); echo '<section id="results">'; while ($recipe = mysql_fetch_assoc($recipes)) { echo $recipe['name'].'<br />'; } } echo '</section>'; ?> this threw error. : php parse error: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ']' in \pdc3\sites\

PHP XML Shopping Cart -

hi i've got xml file products in shop. used php parse file , list products on page. next task add 'add cart' button list , simple shopping cart work. honestly, i'm total newbie in php , have no idea start , how work. need basic overview of should learn , how i'm going solve problem. !!! maybe started: <?php $xml='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <catalogue> <music> <cd id="0010"> <name>album</name> <price>10</price> <quantity>100</quantity> </cd> <cd id="0011"> <name>live ep</name> <price>10</price> <quantity>100</quantity> </cd> <cd id="0012"> <name>single</name> <price>2</price> <quantity>100</quantity> </cd> <cd id="0013"> <name>b-sides</name> <price>5</price> <quantity>1

c++ - best cross-platform method to get aligned memory -

here code use aligned memory visual studio , gcc inline void* aligned_malloc(size_t size, size_t align) { void *result; #ifdef _msc_ver result = _aligned_malloc(size, align); #else if(posix_memalign(&result, align, size)) result = 0; #endif return result; } inline void aligned_free(void *ptr) { #ifdef _msc_ver _aligned_free(ptr); #else free(ptr); #endif } is code fine in general? have seen people use _mm_malloc , _mm_free . in cases want aligned memory it's use sse/avx. can use functions in general? make code lot simpler. lastly, it's easy create own function align memory (see below). why there many different common functions aligned memory (many of work on 1 platform)? this code 16 byte alignment. float* array = (float*)malloc(size*sizeof(float)+15); // find aligned position // , use pointer read or write data array float* alignedarray = (float*)(((unsigned long)array + 15) & (~0x0f)); //

image - Custom Plugin Does Not Execute -- Need Assistance With Some Basic Understanding -

i new crm , have created new autonumber plugin (actually modified existing plugin). i having issues getting plugin work on crm side. i have created plugin, , have created create step. confused image creation, , how need go doing this. also, using localcontext.trace , not sure view information. can me understanding exact steps need follow implement plugin. include code here in case doing wrong. again, working plugin , modified it. tried follow pattern used previous developer. fyi -- have purchased crm solution manager utility deployment process, still not having luck. thanks in advance time. here code.. using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.threading.tasks; using iccplugin.proxyclasses; using iccplugin.proxyclasses.proxyclasses; using microsoft.xrm.sdk; using microsoft.xrm.sdk.query; namespace iccplugin { public class programreportautonumber : pluginbase { private readonly string imagea