android - show alertdialog box for disabling gps when stop using the app -

i have application uses gps , in activity user takes action ,when pressing "get location" button ,it appears alertdialog , there user enables gps.

but, when exit app or when exit activity want able disable app.

i read must override onpause method nothing happens when press arrow or when press home button.

gpstracker gps; protected locationmanager locationmanager; boolean isgpsenabled = true; boolean isnetworkenabled = true;  @override public void onpause() {     super.onpause();     gps = new gpstracker(mainactivity.this);      try{     locationmanager = (locationmanager)            .getsystemservice(location_service);      // getting gps status    isgpsenabled = locationmanager             .isproviderenabled(locationmanager.gps_provider);      // getting network status     isnetworkenabled = locationmanager             .isproviderenabled(locationmanager.network_provider);      if (isgpsenabled && isnetworkenabled) {         gps.showsettingsalertdisable();      }      }catch (exception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     }  }   public void showsettingsalertdisable(){         alertdialog.builder alertdialog = new alertdialog.builder(mcontext);          // setting dialog title         alertdialog.settitle("gps settings");          // setting dialog message         alertdialog.setmessage("do want disable gps?");          // on pressing settings button         alertdialog.setpositivebutton("settings", new dialoginterface.onclicklistener() {             public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog,int which) {                  intent intent = new intent(settings.action_location_source_settings);                 mcontext.startactivity(intent);             }         });          // on pressing cancel button         alertdialog.setnegativebutton("cancel", new dialoginterface.onclicklistener() {             public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog, int which) {             dialog.cancel();             }         });          // showing alert message;     } 

add code onbackpressed() or finish()

@override public void finish() {   if(!iscalledfromalertdialog) {     // show alert dialog - in onclicklistener() set variable      // iscalledfromalertdialog true , call finish()     // don't call super.finish();      final alertdialog.builder builder = new alertdialog.builder(this);         builder.setpositivebutton(yes,                 new dialoginterface.onclicklistener() {                     public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog, int which) {                         iscalledfromalertdialog = true;                         finish();                     }                 });     alertdialog alert = builder.create();;      return;   }  super.finish(); } 

moving code activity better option else need send message service notify activity action.


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