Modifying date field in XML document stored in SQL Server table -

i have xml document stored in sql server table xml column has inaccurate times in date fields

i 'd update date , time (saledatetime, linestarttime, lineendtime) values in document 15 seconds so, instance, 2012-02-01t00:07:50 becomes 2012-02-01t00:08:05 (long story why needs way; it's out of hands). there can 1 many transactions , each transaction can have 1 or more line entries.

i have tried openxml, modify method, etc dateadd , can't right. @ wits end. appreciated. in advance!!

sample below

create table xmltable (doc xml);  insert xmltable (doc) values ( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <root> <transaction>   <saleid>1</saleid>   <sale>     <saledatetime>2012-02-01t00:07:00</saledatetime>     <lineitem>       <line>1</line>       <linestarttime>2012-02-01t00:07:00</linestarttime>       <lineendtime>2012-02-01t00:07:00</lineendtime>           <amount>13.50</amount>     </lineitem>   </sale> </transaction> <transaction>   <saleid>2</saleid>   <sale>     <saledatetime>2012-02-01t00:11:00</saledatetime>     <lineitem>       <line>1</line>       <linestarttime>2012-02-01t00:11:00</linestarttime>       <lineendtime>2012-02-01t00:11:00</lineendtime>           <amount>13.50</amount>     </lineitem>     <lineitem>       <line>2</line>       <linestarttime>2012-02-01t00:11:00</linestarttime>       <lineendtime>2012-02-01t00:11:00</lineendtime>           <amount>5.22</amount>     </lineitem>   </sale> </transaction> </root>')  select * xmltable  

you can use modify method. example replace first occurance of saledatetime:

declare @now datetime = getdate()  update  xmltable set     doc.modify('replace value of (/root/transaction/sale/saledatetime/text())[1]                      sql:variable("@now")')  


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