node.js - ReferenceError: t is not defined -

i have code on express.js / blade.js template using i18next library

express = require "express" gzippo = require "gzippo" assets = require "connect-assets" jspaths = require "connect-assets-jspaths" #stylus = require "stylus" blade = require "blade" i18n = require "i18next" http = require "http" https = require "https" fs = require "fs" json = ""  #### application initialization # create app instance. app = express()  # define port app.port = process.env.port or process.env.vmc_app_port or process.env.vcap_app_port or 3000   # config module exports has `setenvironment` function sets app settings depending on environment. config = require "./config" app.configure "production", "development", "testing", ->   config.setenvironment app.settings.env   # i18next init i18n.init   detectlngqs: "lang"   ,ns: { namespaces: ['ns.common', 'ns.layout'], defaultns: 'ns.common'}   ,ressetpath: "./locales/__lng__/new.__ns__.json"   ,ignoreroutes: ["images/", "public/", "css/", "js/"]   #,locales:['de', 'en', 'fr', 'pt']   ,extension:".json"   #,savemissing: true   #,sendmissingto: 'all'   ,debug: true   #### view initialization  # add connect assets. app.use assets(build : true) jspaths assets, console.log #app.use i18n.init # set public folder static assets. app.use gzippo.staticgzip(process.cwd() + "/assets") app.use gzippo.staticgzip(process.cwd() + "/public") app.use express.favicon(process.cwd() + "/images/favicon.ico") app.use express.logger('dev') # set nowjs folder static assets , locales i18next app.use gzippo.staticgzip(process.cwd() + "/nowjs") app.use gzippo.staticgzip(process.cwd() + "/locales") app.use gzippo.staticgzip(process.cwd() + "/data/topo") app.use (req, res, next) ->   res.render '404',     status: 404, url: req.url  # set blade view engine , tell express our views stored app.set "view engine", "blade" app.set "views", process.cwd() + "/views"   try   app.set "chapters", require(process.cwd() + "/data/chapters.json")   app.set "languages", require(process.cwd() + "/locales/config.json")   app.set "translation", require(process.cwd() + "/locales/dev/translation.json") catch e   console.warn "files not found: " + e   app.set "chapters", []   app.set "languages", []   app.set "translation", []   next()   return  # [body parser middleware]( parses json or xml bodies `req.body` object app.use express.bodyparser()  app.use i18n.handle app.use blade.middleware(process.cwd() + "/views") app.use app.router  #### finalization # register i18next apphelper can use translate function in template i18n.registerapphelper(app)  # initialize routes routes = require "./routes" app.locals.pretty=true routes(app)  # export application object module.exports = app 

and head.blade template like:

header     .navbar.navbar-inverse.navbar-fixed-top         .navbar-inner             button.btn.btn-navbar.collapsed(type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbar-nav-collapse")                 span.icon-bar                 span.icon-bar                 span.icon-bar             a(href="/" class="brand")                 img(src="/images/tzm-logo-32.png")                 //span(class="tzm-i18n")=t("tzm")             #navbar-nav-collapse.nav-collapse.collapse                 ul.nav                     - var menu =                     - for(var in menu)                         - if (i === 'projects')                             // fixme class active not toggle                             li                                 a(href=""+i class=""+i data-i18n="menu."+i)!=t("ns.layout:menu."+i) 

the error when load site is:

☺  cake dev watching coffee files watching js files , running server   debug: running node-supervisor debug:   program 'server' debug:   --watch '.app,views' debug:   --ignore 'undefined' debug:   --extensions 'js|blade' debug:   --exec 'node' debug: starting child process 'node server' debug: watching directory '/users/khinester/documents/tutorials/node/blade/.app' changes. debug: watching directory '/users/khinester/documents/tutorials/node/blade/views' changes. 02:17:59 - compiled src/ 02:17:59 - compiled src/ 02:17:59 - compiled src/ 02:17:59 - compiled src/config/ 02:17:59 - compiled src/controllers/ 02:17:59 - compiled src/controllers/ 02:17:59 - compiled src/controllers/ debug: crashing child debug: starting child process 'node server' set app environment: development currentlng set to: dev assetizing map assetizing utils sockjs v0.3.1 bound "/_nowjs" server running @ 9080 press ctrl-c stop server. loaded file: locales/dev/ns.common.json loaded file: locales/dev/ns.layout.json referenceerror: t not defined     @ /users/khinester/documents/tutorials/node/blade/views/header.blade:18:33 

my error comes @ t("ns.layout:menu."+i) initializing i18next can't see why in not working!

any advice appreciated

it not because of i18next, t missing in code. when

- var foo = 'bar' = foo h1= foo 




a(href=""+i class=""+i data-i18n="menu."+i)!=t("ns.layout:menu."+i) 


a<href=""+i class=""+i data-i18n="menu."+i> ##content t##</a> 

but t not defined in header.blade. shows error.


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