xcode - 'Install App' AppStoreView like the Facebook App for iOS has it -

i want know if there known possibility add such 'appstoreinstallview' app can, without using sharedapplication open appstore, ask user install new app. people don't know how works:

1:you see 'ad' , click on bottom install-now button (it says 'jetzt installieren' (this german screenshot))

2:a view slides in , opens appstore page of shown app

3:to install app need press install, native appstore app, asked enter password , proceeds download app.

i tried webview, didn't work, either won't load webpage or redirect me (via sharedapplication suppose) native appstore app.

so know how implement such feature in own app?

see here more information regarding topic

the proposed app installation in facebook app

after clicked install (bottom button) redirected appstore within facebook can install apps directly without using sharedapplication open appstore itself

you'll want use skstoreproductviewcontroller.

there's excellent reference here, essentials will

from article, can use code:

- (ibaction)showstoreview:(id)sender {          skstoreproductviewcontroller *storeviewcontroller =                [[skstoreproductviewcontroller alloc] init];          storeviewcontroller.delegate = self;          nsdictionary *parameters =              @{skstoreproductparameteritunesitemidentifier:                   [nsnumber numberwithinteger:333700869]};          [storeviewcontroller loadproductwithparameters:parameters               completionblock:^(bool result, nserror *error) {         if (result)                 [self presentviewcontroller:storeviewcontroller                                    animated:yes                                  completion:nil];         }];  } 

replacing [nsnumber numberwithinteger:xxxxxxxxx] product id of app or music or book or whatever. view controller automatically adjust kind if product trying sell.


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