function - Populating an array with values that fall below the averange and calculating the variance -

i trying select values one-dimensional range of data fall below average.

would code right? think there problem how place them array belowavg...

 function moybelow(data range) variant      dim integer      dim n long      redim belowavg() variant      dim varian double      dim somcar() variant            n=worksheetfunction.count(data)      rendmoy=worksheetfunction.average(data)                i=1 n                  if data.cells(i).value < rendmoy                          belowavg(i).value = data(i).value              end if              nb = belowavg.count                             j=1 nb                           sumsq= sumsq + (belowavg(i) - rendmoy)^2                  next j     next            varian = sumsq/nb       end function 

here's function returns array of doubles contains below average cells in range:

function getbelowaveragevalues(data range,rangeaverage double) double() dim filteredrangevalues variant dim belowaveragevaluescount long dim belowaveragevalues() double dim long  if data.cells.count = 1     msgbox "only 1 cell"     exit sub end if data.autofilter 1, "<" & rangeaverage filteredrangevalues = data.specialcells(xlcelltypevisible) belowaveragevaluescount = ubound(filteredrangevalues) redim belowaveragevalues(1 belowaveragevaluescount) = 1 belowaveragevaluescount     belowaveragevalues(i) = filteredrangevalues(i, 1) next getbelowaveragevalues = belowaveragevalues data.autofilter end function 

it uses autofilter function , specialcells property filter , select relevant cells. uses call this:

sub test() dim datarange range dim rangeaverage double dim belowaveragevalues() double dim long dim varian double  set datarange = selection rangeaverage = application.worksheetfunction.average(datarange ) belowaveragevalues = getbelowaveragevalues(datarange ,rangeaverage)     i=1 ubound(belowaveragevalues)                     sumsq= sumsq + (belowaveragevalues(i) - rendmoy)^2             next varian = sumsq/nb end sub 

this tested, may have error somewhere. main function tested , worked me.


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