html - PHP Mail form not sending emails on Linux server -

this code , form... acts email sent, never arrives.

i know possibly wrong... anyone?

the website hosted on linux server, , don't know if server blocking emails because of kind of incompatibility... don't know be.

<?php if($_post) { //check if ajax request, exit if not if(!isset($_server['http_x_requested_with']) , strtolower($_server['http_x_requested_with']) != 'xmlhttprequest') {     die(); }   $to_email       = ""; //replace recipient email address $subject        = 'ah!! email out there...'; //subject line emails  //check $_post vars set, exit if missing if(!isset($_post["username"]) || !isset($_post["useremail"]) || !isset($_post["userphone"]) || !isset($_post["usermessage"])) {     die(); }  //sanitize input data using php filter_var(). $user_name        = filter_var($_post["username"], filter_sanitize_string); $user_email       = filter_var($_post["useremail"], filter_sanitize_email); $user_phone       = filter_var($_post["userphone"], filter_sanitize_string); $user_message     = filter_var($_post["usermessage"], filter_sanitize_string);  //additional php validation if(strlen($user_name)<4) // if length less 4 throw http error. {     header('http/1.1 500 name short or empty!');     exit(); } if(!filter_var($user_email, filter_validate_email)) //email validation {     header('http/1.1 500 please enter valid email!');     exit(); } if(!is_numeric($user_phone)) //check entered data numbers {     header('http/1.1 500 numbers allowed in phone field');     exit(); } if(strlen($user_message)<5) //check emtpy message {     header('http/1.1 500 short message! please enter something.');     exit(); }  //proceed php email. $headers = 'from: '.$user_email.'' . "rn" . 'reply-to: '.$user_email.'' . "rn" . 'x-mailer: php/' . phpversion();  @$sentmail = mail($to_email, $subject, $user_message .'  -'.$user_name, $headers);  if(!$sentmail) {     header('http/1.1 500 couldnot send mail! sorry..');     exit(); }else{     echo 'hi '.$user_name .', thank email! ';     echo 'your email has arrived in inbox, need check it.'; }  } ?>  

here's form:

<fieldset id="contact_form"> <legend>my contact form</legend>     <div id="result"></div>     <input type="text" name="name" id="inputt" placeholder="enter name" />      <input type="text" name="email" id="inputt" placeholder="enter email" />       <input type="text" name="phone" id="inputt" placeholder="phone number" />       <textarea name="message" id="message" placeholder="enter name"></textarea>      <button class="submit_btn" id="submit_btn">submit</button>  </fieldset> 

your $headers wrong, you're appending "rn" instead of "\r\n". try instead:

$headers = 'from: '.$user_email. "\r\n" . 'reply-to: '.$user_email. "\r\n" . 'x-mailer: php/' . phpversion(); 


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