python - Tkinter: adding existing content to a frame -
i'm working on simple text based game in python/tkinter, , made basic setup far. displays intro. text, , can type(this still work in progress). however, realized there going lot of text, , thought of frame's scrollbar capability.
however, added current content frame , functions don't work now. following someone's example, don't know if it's right. here code:
from tkinter import * w=tk() w.configure(background="navy") w.iconbitmap(default="blankicon.ico") w.title("decimated world") w.resizable(0,0) introtext="when wake, see sky dark; can't tell time of day." scen1="you head toward town hall." class app(frame): def __init__(self,w): frame.__init__(self,w) def key(event): print event.char t=text(w) t.insert(insert,introtext) t.configure(state=disabled,background="navy",foreground="white") t.pack() def do_command(command): t.configure(state=normal) t.insert(insert,'\n>>> {}'.format(command)) t.configure(state=disabled) s=stringvar() e=entry() e.configure(background="navy",foreground="white") e.focus_set() e.pack(side=bottom) def enter(event): do_command(e.get()) if e.get()=="walk north": t.configure(state=normal) t.insert(insert,"\n"+scen1) t.configure(state=disabled) e.bind("<keyrelease-return>",enter) w.mainloop()
i'd appreciate anyone's putting existing functions/widgets frame. thanks.
as long text has name can use pack , unpack methods.
for example:
b = label(root, text='click me') b.pack()
and remove it:
and when want add again type:
it simple that!
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