c++ - Binary structure delete error -

this whole program. right now,the delete function not write temp file. i'll try change str array string , see if helps.

the program supposed read write edit search , sort binary file structures.

#include <cstdlib> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include<string> #include<limits> #include<iomanip> #include<stdio.h> #include <errno.h>  using namespace std; const int size=40; char typedef str[size]; char fname[]="c:/solident.dat"; char tname[]="c:/temp.dat"; struct rec{int id;str lname,fname;};   //prototypes void menu(string&); void engine(string&,rec&,fstream&,fstream&,int,char[],char[]); void openfile(char[]); void addrec(rec&,char[]); void delall(char[]); void listall(rec&,fstream &,char[]); void apprec(rec&,fstream &,char[]); void delrec(rec&,fstream &, fstream &,char[],char []); void srcrec(rec&,fstream& ,char[]); void modrec(rec &j,fstream &outfile, char fname[]); void sort();  int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { string choice; rec student; fstream infile; fstream outfile;      {             menu(choice);         engine(choice,student,infile,outfile,size,fname,tname);     } while(choice[0]!='0');         system("pause");     return exit_success; }  //function menu  void menu(string &choice) {     cout<<"\n\n\n\t\t========================";      cout<<"\n\n\t\tmenu \n";     cout<<"\n\t\t========================\n\n";     cout<<"\t\t[1] open/check file\n";     cout<<"\t\t[2] add records\n";     cout<<"\t\t[3] append records\n";     cout<<"\t\t[4] search record\n";     cout<<"\t\t[5] delete record\n";     cout<<"\t\t[6] delete records\n";     cout<<"\t\t[7] modify record\n";     cout<<"\t\t[8] list records\n";     cout<<"\t\t[9] sort records\n";     cout<<"\t\t[0] exit\n";     cout<<"\n\t\t========================= \n";     cout<<"\t\tyour choice :";     getline(cin,choice);      while (choice[0] !='1' && choice[0] !='2' &&choice[0] !='3' &&choice[0] !='4' &&choice[0] !='5' &&choice[0] !='6' &&choice[0] !='7' &&choice[0] !='8' &&choice[0] !='9' &&choice[0] !='0' )        {         cout<<"\n\t\t"<<choice<<" invalid!";                                   cout<<"\n\t\tenter correct choice: ";        getline(cin,choice);          }      cout<<"\n\t\t========================= \n\n"; }   //function  void engine(string &choice,rec &j,fstream &infile,fstream &outfile,int size,char fname[],char tname[]) {   switch (choice[0]){  case '1':       {       cout<<"executing number "<<choice<<":"<<"open/check file\n"<<endl;       openfile(fname);       break;       }     case '2':       {       cout<<"executing number "<<choice<<":"<<"add records\n"<<endl;       addrec(j,fname);       break;       }     case '3':       {       cout<<"executing number "<<choice<<":"<<"append records\n"<<endl;       apprec(j,outfile,fname);       break;       }     case '4':       {       cout<<"executing number "<<choice<<":"<<"search record\n"<<endl;       srcrec(j,infile,fname);       break;       }     case '5':       {       cout<<"executing number "<<choice<<":"<<"delete record\n"<<endl;       delrec(j,infile, outfile,fname,tname);       break;       }    case '6':       {       cout<<"executing number "<<choice<<":"<<"delete records\n"<<endl;       delall(fname);       break;       }     case '7':       {       cout<<"executing number "<<choice<<":"<<"modify record\n"<<endl;       modrec(j,outfile,fname);       break;       }   case '8':       {       cout<<"executing number "<<choice<<":"<<"list records\n"<<endl;       listall(j,infile,fname);       break;       }         case '9':       {       cout<<"executing number "<<choice<<":"<<"sort records\n"<<endl;       sort();       break;       }    default:exit(0);  }  }     //function  void openfile(char fname[]) {  cout<<"\nopening file"<<fname<<"..."<<endl;  //confirm if file exists , opens   fstream infile;  fstream outfile;    infile.open(fname,ios::in|ios::binary);  if (infile.is_open())  {                      cout<<"file "<<fname<<" exists, , opened succesfully.";  }    infile.close();    //if fail ask create  if (infile.fail())  {      cout<<"file not exist. create? [y]/[n]";      char ch;      cin>>ch;      cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');      //if yes create file      if(ch=='y'|| ch=='y')      outfile.open(fname,ios::out| ios::binary);      //if not created display error      if (outfile.fail())         {                       cout<<"error: file not created";          }                                   //else confirm creation of file      cout<<"file "<<fname<<" has been created.\n\n";      outfile.close();  }  }     //function  void addrec(rec&j,char fname[]) {      fstream outfile;     outfile.open(fname,ios::out|ios::binary|ios::app);     char another[10];            {              cout<<"please enter id number :";         cin>>j.id;         cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');         cout<<"\nplease enter first name: ";         cin.getline(j.fname,size);         cout<<"\nplease enter lastname: ";         cin.getline(j.lname,size);          outfile.write((char*) &j, sizeof(j));          cout<<"add record:[y]/[n] ";         cin.get(another[0]);         cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');      } while(another[0]=='y'||another[0]=='y');      cout<<"exiting main menu.."<<endl;    }     //function  void delall(char fname[]) {   fstream outfile;       cout<<"\n------------------\n"<<endl;      cout<<"\ndelete records"<<fname<<"..."<<endl;      cout<<"\nare sure want delete records in "<<fname<<" [y]/[any key exit]?"<<endl;      char ch;      cin>>ch;      cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');       if(ch=='y'||ch=='y')      {                           outfile.open(fname,ios::out|ios::binary|ios::trunc);                           outfile.close();      }         else {cout<<"\nexiting main menu..."<<endl;}  }     //function  void listall(rec&j,fstream &infile,char fname[]) {     infile.clear();                           infile.open(fname,ios::in|ios::binary);      infile.read((char*)&j,sizeof(j));      cout<<"|=======================================================|"<<endl;     cout<<"| #     | id       | first         | last               |"<<endl;     cout<<"|=======================================================|"<<endl;         int count=1;         while(!infile.eof())         {          cout<<"| "<<setw(6)<<left<<count<<left<<"| "<<setw(9)<<j.id<<"| ";          cout<<left<<setw(14)<<j.fname<<"| ";          cout<<left<<setw(19)<<j.lname<<"|"<<endl;          infile.read((char*)&j,sizeof(j));          count=count+1;          cout<<"|-------------------------------------------------------|"<<endl;         }     infile.close();  }   //function  void apprec(rec &j,fstream &outfile, char fname[]) {          outfile.open(fname,ios::out|ios::binary|ios::app);         outfile.clear();                 cout<<"please enter id number :";         cin>>j.id;         cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');         cout<<"\nplease enter first name: ";         cin.getline(j.fname,size);         cout<<"\nplease enter lastname: ";         cin.getline(j.lname,size);         outfile.write((char*) &j, sizeof(j));         outfile.close();   }  //----------------------------------------------------  void delrec(rec&s,fstream &infile, fstream &outfile,char fname[],char tname[]) { int current, request=1; infile.open("c:/solident.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); if (!infile.is_open())     cout << "infile not open\n"; outfile.open("c:/temp.dat",ios::out|ios::binary|ios::trunc); if (!outfile.is_open())     cout << "outfile not open\n"; (;;) {     infile.read((char*)&s, sizeof s);     if (infile.eof())         break;     current = s.id;      if (current != request)         outfile.write((char*)&s, sizeof s); } infile.close(); outfile.close();    infile.open("c:/temp.dat)",ios::in|ios::binary); outfile.open("c:/solident.dat)", ios::out|ios::binary|ios::trunc);  (;;) {     infile.read((char*)&s, sizeof (s));     if (infile.eof())         break;     outfile.write((char*)&s, sizeof (s)); }   infile.close(); outfile.close();   }  void srcrec(rec&job,fstream &infile,char fname[]) {     cout << "allowing user open specific record.\n";     infile.open(fname, ios::in | ios::binary) ;      if(infile.fail())     {         cout << "could not access file.\n";     }     else     {         int position;   //user's position          //gets user's position         cout << "please record read: ";         cin >> position;         //ignore luki         cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');          //find specific record, read it, , display         infile.seekp((position - 1)*sizeof(job));         infile.read((char*) &job, sizeof(job));     cout<<"|===============================================|"<<endl;     cout<<"| id       | first         | last               |"<<endl;     cout<<"|===============================================|"<<endl;     cout<<left<<"| "<<setw(9)<<job.id<<"| ";     cout<<left<<setw(14)<<job.fname<<"| ";     cout<<left<<setw(19)<<job.lname<<"|"<<endl;      }      //clears , closes file     infile.clear();     infile.close(); }   void modrec(rec &j,fstream &outfile, char fname[]) {     int position,   //user's position         cntr = 0;   //marks current record within file      cout << "modifying record.\n";      //open 2 files     outfile.open(fname, ios::out | ios::in | ios::binary);      //get user's desired position     cout << "please enter record modify: ";     cin >> position;     cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');     cout << endl;      if(outfile.fail())     {         cout << "file not read.\n";     }     else     {         //find desired record         outfile.seekp((position - 1)*(sizeof(j)));          //get user's modification         cout<<"please enter id number :";         cin>>j.id;         cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');         cout<<"\nplease enter first name: ";         cin.getline(j.fname,size);         cout<<"\nplease enter lastname: ";         cin.getline(j.lname,size);          //write on desired record         outfile.write((char*) &j, sizeof(j));     }      //closes files     outfile.close(); }   void sort() {     int structuresize, idx1, idx2;      file * binaryfile;     binaryfile = fopen("c:/solident.dat","rb+");     rec index, indextemp;     structuresize = sizeof(index);     fseek(binaryfile, 0, seek_end);     int filesize = ftell(binaryfile);     rewind(binaryfile);       (idx1 = 0; idx1 < filesize; idx1 += structuresize)     {         (idx2 = 0; idx2 < filesize - structuresize; idx2 += structuresize)         {             fread(&index, structuresize, 1, binaryfile);             fread(&indextemp, structuresize, 1, binaryfile);              if (index.id > indextemp.id)             {                 fseek(binaryfile, -(structuresize * 2), seek_cur);                 fwrite(&indextemp, structuresize, 1, binaryfile);                 fwrite(&index, structuresize, 1, binaryfile);                 fseek(binaryfile, -structuresize, seek_cur);             }             else             {                 fseek(binaryfile, -structuresize, seek_cur);             }         }          rewind(binaryfile);     }      fclose(binaryfile); } 

i don't know, there seem few issues code. here's 1 of them though

int request=1,current;  ...  while (!infile.eof()) {           s.id=current;        if (current!=request) 

at no point in code give current value, still using variable. uninitialised variable 1 reason code isn't working.

i wonder if meant write


instead? make little more sense.

try reading file loop this

infile.open("c:/solident.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); if (!infile.is_open())     cout << "infile not open\n"; outfile.open("c:/temp.dat",ios::out|ios::binary|ios::trunc); if (!outfile.is_open())     cout << "outfile not open\n"; (;;) {     infile.read((char*)&s, sizeof s);     if (infile.eof())         break;     current = s.id;      if (current != request)         outfile.write((char*)&s, sizeof s); } infile.close(); outfile.close(); 

i wouldn't use fail() if you. think it's extremely unlikely you'll detect genuine read or write failure it. it's more end of file error, or failure open file.


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