javascript - Error while redirecting callback to modal dialog window -

i have main search page find , enquire button.

when click enquire button. open modaldialog window , allow user enter name , i'd , hit submit. transfer call servlet , query db. if response takes longer 30 sec. forward request modal page , resubmit form.

when forward request modal window resubmit script error. script error occurs before form.submit. doing wrong in forwarding request. back.


file1.jsp: call file2.jsp on button click

returnval= showmodaldialog ( "file2.jsp?name=jack" , "" , "dialogwidth:650px;dialogheight:400px" ); 

in file2.jsp:

<form name="refresh" action="<%=contextpath%>/someservlet" id="refreshing"  method="post" target="result"> 

i have name field here button submit set hidden param request_old ='n'


on submitting button: in

i parameter call threadpool executor if request_old ='n' execute tpe else wait response wait 10 sec response db

if response did not come back: set param

request_old ='y'  

and send calling

 request.getrequestdispatcher("file2.jsp?name=jack").forward ( request, response ); 

so should resturn call file2.jsp

but somewhere before file2.jsp's form.submit--> script error object not found

error: object expected under url shows context path servlet name.

what confuses me whether showmodal dialog not able re-submit, or there issue in servlet calling jsp?

i have been trying figure 1 3 days now. appreciated.

web.xml mapping correct re-direction happens weird script error. executing in ie (using js , servlet)

re-wrote files scratch make works. issues 1 of supporting js files cause.


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