magento - how implement setPagesize for pagination, right now returning all products -

all trying setpagesize() on collection can use pagination.

i getting products returned no matter integer put setpagesize.


    <?php  class rik_featured_block_featured extends mage_core_block_template {      private $_itemperpage = 2;     public $_category_id = '' ;     private $_currentpage = '';      public function __construct() {         $custom_var_code = mage::getmodel('core/variable')->loadbycode('homepage_firstrow_prod');         if(isset($custom_var_code)) echo $this->_category_id = $custom_var_code->getvalue('text') ;         echo $page_var = $this->getrequest()->getparam('p');         if(isset($page_var)&&$page_var!=0){                        $this->_currentpage = $page_var;         }         if(isset($page_var)&&$page_var == '0'){                        $this->_currentpage = '1';         }       }       /****************** here setcurpage , setpagesize************************/          public function allproducts() {         $collection = $this->_getcollection();         echo 'col is'.$collection->count();         /*setting current page , page size */         $collection->setcurpage(1);         $collection->setpagesize($this->_itemperpage);         return $collection;     }          private function _getcollection() {          $category = mage::getmodel('catalog/category')->load($this->_category_id);          if($category->geturlpath() != null) {              $collection = $category->getproductcollection();               //mage::helper('catalog/product')->setskipsaleablecheck(true);             $collection->addwebsitefilter();             $collection->addurlrewrite($this->_category_id);             $collection->addminimalprice()->addfinalprice()->addtaxpercents();             mage::getsingleton('catalog/product_visibility')                     ->addvisibleincatalogfiltertocollection($collection);             mage::getsingleton('catalog/product_status')                     ->addvisiblefiltertocollection($collection);             $collection->addattributetoselect(array('entity_id', 'sku', 'name', 'short_description',                  'description', 'price', 'thumbnail', 'image', 'url_path', 'type_of'));             return $collection;         }         else { echo 'cat not exit';}       }         public function totalpages() {                 $_collections_count = $this->_getcollection()->count();         return $number_of_pages = ceil($_collections_count / $this->_itemperpage);     }    } 

also idea use __constructor way using in block?

thank you.

in reverse order:

first, never user php's __construct magento's blocks or models, without calling parent __construct. use magento's _construct instead. (note underlines)

second, you're calling correct pagination methods. if simplify code little,

$collection = mage::getmodel('catalog/product') ->getcollection();                        $collection->setcurpage(1); $collection->setpagesize(10);  $i=1; foreach($collection $item) {     var_dump($i . ') ' . $item->getsku());     $i++; } 

it's easy see setcurpage , setpagesize methods work expected.

//results of running above code string '1) n2610' (length=8) string '2) bb8100' (length=9) string '3) sw810i' (length=9) string '4) 8525pda' (length=10) string '5) mm-a900m' (length=11) string '6) ma464ll/a' (length=12) string '7) lx.fr206.001' (length=15) string '8) vgn-txn27n/b' (length=15) string '9) m285-e' (length=9) string '10) cn_3' (length=8) 

the problem call count

$collection = $this->_getcollection(); echo 'col is'.$collection->count(); /*setting current page , page size */ $collection->setcurpage(1); $collection->setpagesize($this->_itemperpage); return $collection; 

to count product collection, magento must load entire collection, (the loading logic complicated simple select count(*)). because you're calling count before set page information, magento loads full collection before it's aware of page restrictions.

you can fix not calling count, or clearing collection before looping. try following code, both , without $collection->clear();

$collection = mage::getmodel('catalog/product') ->getcollection();                        $collection->load(); $collection->setcurpage(1); $collection->setpagesize(10);    $collection->clear(); $i=1; foreach($collection $item) {     var_dump($i . ') ' . $item->getsku());     $i++; } 


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