How to diagnose errors in LaTeX generated by Doxygen 1.8.x: LT@LL@FM@cr -

i've been using doxygen generate pdf documentation sizable fortran 90 project since v1.6. after recent upgrade doxygen 1.8, pdflatex choking error can't understand. refman.log:

. . . <use classfate__source_a022bf629bdc1d3059ebd5fb86d13b4f4_icgraph.pdf> package pdftex.def info: classfate__source_a022bf629bdc1d3059ebd5fb86d13b4f4_ic graph.pdf used on input line 607. (pdftex.def)             requested size: 350.0pt x 65.42921pt. ) (./classm__aerosol.tex ! undefined control sequence. <recently read> \lt@ll@fm@cr   l.25 ...1833ffa6f2fae54ededb}{ia\-\_\-nsize}), \\*  ? ? type <return> proceed, s scroll future error messages, r run without stopping, q run quietly, insert something, e edit file, 1 or ... or 9 ignore next 1 9 tokens of input, h help, x quit. 

looking @ first 25 lines of classm__aerosol.tex, nothing matches error message:

\hypertarget{classm__aerosol}{\section{m\-\_\-aerosol module reference} \label{classm__aerosol}\index{m\-\_\-aerosol@{m\-\_\-aerosol}} }   contains general aerosol-\/related constants , routines.     \subsection*{public member functions} \begin{doxycompactitemize} \item  subroutine \hyperlink{classm__aerosol_aa06c1f39c6bd34f22be92d21535f0320}{aerdis} (i\-a\-e\-r\-o, m\-a\-e\-r\-o, v\-o\-l, a\-r\-e\-a, m\-u, t\-g\-a\-s, r\-h\-o, a\-g\-a\-m\-m\-a, x\-l\-a\-e\-r, d\-m\-e\-a\-n, n\-a\-e\-r, x\-n\-d\-a\-e\-r, l\-s\-d\-a\-e\-r) \begin{doxycompactlist}\small\item\em return aerosol mass given volume, based on aerosol size distribution function. \end{doxycompactlist}\item  real(kind=wp) function \hyperlink{classm__aerosol_a2dff4ff413057e8788fba7270a30c093}{lamsed} (v\-o\-l, h, m\-u\-g, r\-h\-o\-a\-e\-r, a\-g\-a\-m\-m\-a, a\-c\-h\-i, a\-f\-e\-o, k\-o, m\-a\-e\-r, f\-m\-a\-e\-r, f\-a\-e\-r\-s\-s, f\-s\-e\-d\-d\-k) \begin{doxycompactlist}\small\item\em calculate aerosol removal constant , interpolation factor between steady-\/state , decaying aerosol correlations. \end{doxycompactlist}\item  pure real(kind=wp) function \hyperlink{classm__aerosol_a6d0a04004f49c404c67e0aa69dd39ee1}{fdbend} (v\-e\-l, h\-s\-e\-d, t\-g, r\-h\-o\-g, m\-u\-g, r\-h\-o\-p\-a\-r, c\-a\-e\-r\-o, x\-d\-b\-e\-n\-d, n90\-j) \begin{doxycompactlist}\small\item\em find total impaction efficiency aerosol deposition considering 90-\/degree bends in flow path. \end{doxycompactlist}\end{doxycompactitemize} \subsection*{public attributes} \begin{doxycompactitemize} \item  integer, parameter \hyperlink{classm__aerosol_a8f604b7ffe3c1833ffa6f2fae54ededb}{ia\-\_\-nsize} = 30 \item  integer, parameter \hyperlink{classm__aerosol_ae71813ecf0c7768af9d6292efb14774f}{ia\-\_\-nmass} = 10 \item  real(kind=wp), dimension(\hyperlink{classm__aerosol_a8f604b7ffe3c1833ffa6f2fae54ededb}{ia\-\_\-nsize}), \\* 

nothing matches read chunk "\lt@ll@fm@cr" , don't know enough low-level tex translate might in source text.

suspecting might have been fixed in later version of doxygen 1 shipping linux mint (v1.8.1.2), built & installed v1.8.3.1 source, updated doxyfile, blew away old documentation , regenerated it. same baffling error.

there's nothing obvious in refman.log indicate missing or broken latex packages , i'm @ loss what's causing this.

this difficult solve unless provide bit more information - possibly using \errorcontextlines=9999 suggested in comments on question.

as first short though, name of control sequence can't found (i.e. \lt@ll@fm@cr) 1 defined longtable package (documentation, p. 15) - adding:


to preamble of document might help.

if so, according doxygen documentation here, adding following configuration file should trick:



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