php - Not able to insert data in new column -

i have working code inserts data correctly now. trying add new column of movie_id in that. trying fetch movie id value xml , looping movie title data inserted in not correct. movie_name object has 3-4 movies names. trying add movie id that.

$movie_name = $arrtitle[0];     $xml = simplexml_load_file("$movie_name");         foreach($xml->movies->movie $movies){       $arrmovie_id= $movies->id;       }       $movie_ids= $arrmovie_id[0];     $arrstr = explode(':',$htmlshowtime);     $release = substr($arrstr[3],0,strlen($arrstr[3])-8);     $director = substr($arrstr[5],0,strlen($arrstr[5])-11);       $sql_movie = "insert jos_movie(movie_name,language,cast,movie_release,director,rating,rating_count,movie_ids)values('$movie_name','null','$cast','$release','$director',250,230,'$movie_ids')"; 

here full working code

<?php // include handy xml data extraction functions. include 'xml_regex.php'; include 'simple_html_dom.php';  $con    =   mysql_connect('localhost','test','test'); mysql_select_db('test',$con);   // use curl rss feed php string variable. $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_url,'mytest.xml'); curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_header, false); curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_returntransfer, true); $xml = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch);  $arrdata = array(); // create array of item elements xml feed. $news_items = element_set('item', $xml); $del_movie = "delete jos_movie"; mysql_query($del_movie);  $del_cinema = "delete jos_cinema"; mysql_query($del_cinema);  foreach($news_items $item) {     $title = value_in('title', $item);     $url = value_in('link', $item);     $cast = value_in('description', $item);     //curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_url,$url);     //curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_header, false);     //curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_returntransfer, true);     //$html = curl_exec($ch);     $arrtitle = explode('-',$title);     $html = file_get_html($url);     $htmlshowtime = '';      // find span tags class=gb1 movitimes movitmngbox     foreach($html->find('ul[style=line-height:2em;]') $e)         $htmlshowtime = $e->plaintext;      $movie_name = $arrtitle[0];     $arrstr = explode(':',$htmlshowtime);     $release = substr($arrstr[3],0,strlen($arrstr[3])-8);     $director = substr($arrstr[5],0,strlen($arrstr[5])-11);       $sql_movie = "insert jos_movie(movie_name,language,cast,movie_release,director,rating,rating_count)values('$movie_name','null','$cast','$release','$director',250,230)";     //echo $sql.'<br>';     //echo $sql_movie;      mysql_query($sql_movie);      $sqlcount = 'select max(id) jos_movie';     $data = mysql_query($sqlcount);     echo $data;     print_r($data);     $result = mysql_fetch_array($data);     $id = $result[0];     echo '<br>'.$id.'<br>';       //$id = mysql_insert_id();     //echo $id;          // find span tags class=gb1     foreach($html->find('div.movitmngbox') $e){         $tagtitle =  $e->find('a',0);         $tagtime  = $e->find('div.movitimes',0);         $name = $tagtitle->title;         $time = $tagtime->innertext;      $trimname = '';     $temname = strtolower(str_replace(' ','',$name));      if(strpos($temname,'indraaudi1') !== false)       $trimname = 'indra audi 1' ,  $cinemaid = '1' , $long='32.726602' , $lat='74.857026';     elseif(strpos($temname,'indraaudi2') !== false)      $trimname = 'indra audi 2' , $cinemaid = '2'and $long='32.726602' , $lat='74.857026';     elseif(strpos($temname,'indraaudi3') !== false)       $trimname = 'indra audi 3'and $cinemaid = '3' , $long='32.726602' , $lat='74.857026';     elseif(strpos($temname,'apsra') !== false)       $trimname = 'apsra' , $cinemaid = '4' , $long='32.700314' , $lat='74.858023';     else{         $trimname = trim(substr($name,18,strlen($name))) , $cinemaid = '5' , $long='32.7300' , $lat='74.8700' ;     }          //echo $tagtime->innertext.'<br/>';         $sql = "insert jos_cinema(cinema_name,show_time,movie_id,cinemaid,logitude,latitude)values('$trimname','$time',$id,$cinemaid,$long,$lat)";         //echo $sql.'<br/>';         mysql_query($sql);         //$arrtem = array($tagtitle->title,$tagtime->innertext);      }  }//end rss feed loop  ?> 

here requirement.

i getting movie names in $movie_name array have appeneded names xml can moviedbid it. getting movieid successfully. want insert moviedb id respective movie.

please tell me wrong.

try this:

<?php  $sql = ""; foreach ($arrtitle $movie_name) {      $xml = simplexml_load_file("$movie_name");     foreach ($xml->movies->movie $movies) {         $arrmovie_id = $movies->id;     }     $movie_ids = $arrmovie_id[0];     $arrstr    = explode(':', $htmlshowtime);     $release   = substr($arrstr[3], 0, strlen($arrstr[3]) - 8);     $director  = substr($arrstr[5], 0, strlen($arrstr[5]) - 11);     $sql .= "('$movie_name','null','$cast','$release','$director',250,230,'$movie_ids'),"; } $sql       = substr($sql, 0, -1); $sql_movie = "insert `jos_movie`(`movie_name`,`language`,`cast`,`movie_release`,`director`,`rating`,`rating_count`,`movie_ids`) values" . $sql;  ?> 


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