- Pagination Not Working On Gridview -

i have gridview control contains label template field. label values filled during rowdatabound. when pagination except template field , paginated. think, when pagination, each time label template field filled on rowdatabound.

now not able pagination. please help

this code

<asp:updatepanel id="updatepanel1" runat="server">             <contenttemplate>                 <asp:gridview id="gridview1" runat="server" allowpaging="true" backcolor="white" bordercolor="#cccccc" borderstyle="none" borderwidth="1px" cellpadding="3" ondatabound="gridview1_databound" onpageindexchanging="gridview1_pageindexchanging1" onrowdatabound="gridview1_rowdatabound1" pagesize="3">                     <columns>                         <asp:templatefield headertext="first row">                             <itemtemplate>                                 <asp:label id="label1" runat="server">text</asp:label>                             </itemtemplate>                         </asp:templatefield>                     </columns>                     <footerstyle backcolor="white" forecolor="#000066" />                     <headerstyle backcolor="#006699" font-bold="true" forecolor="white" />                     <pagerstyle backcolor="white" forecolor="#000066" horizontalalign="left" />                     <rowstyle forecolor="#000066" />                     <selectedrowstyle backcolor="#669999" font-bold="true" forecolor="white" />                     <sortedascendingcellstyle backcolor="#f1f1f1" />                     <sortedascendingheaderstyle backcolor="#007dbb" />                     <sorteddescendingcellstyle backcolor="#cac9c9" />                     <sorteddescendingheaderstyle backcolor="#00547e" />                 </asp:gridview>             </contenttemplate>         </asp:updatepanel> 


protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e)         {             getdata();         }          public void getdata()         {             sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection("data source=cmh-sosql\\sq1;initial catalog=rpt2020_dev;integrated security=true");   ;             string qry = "use pid2020_dev select * batch_void_rsn_cd";             sqldataadapter da = new sqldataadapter(qry, con);             datatable dt = new datatable();             da.fill(dt);             gridview1.datasource = dt;             gridview1.databind();             }          protected void gridview1_rowdatabound(object sender, gridviewroweventargs e)         {              if (e.row.rowtype == datacontrolrowtype.datarow)             {                 gridview1.columns[0].headertext = "first row";                 label lblkey = (label)e.row.findcontrol("label1");                 lblkey.text = e.row.rowindex.tostring();             }         }          protected void gridview1_databound(object sender, eventargs e)         {          }          protected void gridview1_pageindexchanging(object sender, gridviewpageeventargs e)         {             gridview1.pageindex = e.newpageindex;             getdata();          } 

try below code

code behind file

    using system;     namespace asp.netforums.gridview  {   public partial class gridviewtemp :  {     protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e)     {         try         {             if (!page.ispostback)             {                 getdata();                 viewstate["initialpage"] = 3;//page count             }         }         catch (exception)         { }     }      public void getdata()     {          sqlconnection sqlcon = new sqlconnection(configurationmanager.connectionstrings["northwindconstring"].tostring());          string query = "select * products";          dataset ds = new dataset();          sqldataadapter sqladp = new sqldataadapter(query, sqlcon);          sqladp.fill(ds);          gridview1.datasource = ds;         gridview1.databind();     }      protected void gridview1_rowdatabound(object sender, gridviewroweventargs e)     {         int count = 0;          if (e.row.rowtype == datacontrolrowtype.datarow)         {             if (viewstate["count"] != null)             {                 count = convert.toint32(viewstate["count"]);             }               if (viewstate["initialpage"] != null)             {                 count = (int)viewstate["initialpage"];             }             gridview1.columns[0].headertext = "first row";             label lblkey = (label)e.row.findcontrol("label1");             lblkey.text = count.tostring();               count--;             if (viewstate["initialpage"] != null)             {                 viewstate["initialpage"] = count;              }             else             {                  viewstate["count"] = count;             }          }     }        protected void gridview1_pageindexchanging(object sender, gridviewpageeventargs e)     {         gridview1.pageindex = e.newpageindex;          viewstate["count"] = e.newpageindex;         viewstate["initialpage"] = null;         getdata();     } } 


use viewstate solve problem.

hopefully, answers question


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