Corona SDK Physics goes on and off while object is in motion -
below main file. happening collision working when "rect" object not moving move rect object, collision stops taking affect. think knows colliding not (like interaction objects @ all). have thoughts, why happening? , how fix it?
local physics = require("physics") ; physics.start() ; physics.setgravity( 0,0 ) ; physics.setdrawmode( "debug" ) display.setstatusbar( display.hiddenstatusbar ) math.randomseed( os.time() ) physics.setvelocityiterations(10); physics.setpositioniterations(20); --set references , other variables local ox, oy = math.abs(display.screenoriginx), math.abs(display.screenoriginy) local cw, ch = display.contentwidth, display.contentheight --set collision filters local screenfilter = { categorybits=2, maskbits=1 } local objfilter = { categorybits=1, maskbits=14 } local fieldfilter = { categorybits=4, maskbits=1 } local magnetfilter = { categorybits=8, maskbits=1 } --set initial magnet pull local magnetpull = 0.25 --set world , background local screenbounds = display.newrect( -ox, -oy, display.contentwidth+ox+ox, display.contentheight+oy+oy ) = "screenbounds" screenbounds.isvisible = false ; physics.addbody( screenbounds, "static", { issensor=true, filter=screenfilter } ) local function newpositionvelocity( object ) local math_random = math.random local side = math_random( 1,4 ) ; local posx ; local posy ; local velx ; local vely if ( side == 1 or side == 3 ) posx = math_random(0,display.pixelheight) velx = math_random( -10,10 ) * 5 if ( side == 1 ) posy = -oy-40 ; vely = math_random( 8,18 ) * 16 else posy = display.contentheight+oy+40 ; vely = math_random( 8,16 ) * -16 end else posy = math_random(0,display.pixelwidth) vely = math_random( -10,10 ) * 5 if ( side == 4 ) posx = -ox-40 ; velx = math_random( 8,16 ) * 16 else posx = display.contentwidth+ox+40 ; velx = math_random( 8,16 ) * -16 end end object.x = posx ; object.y = posy object:setlinearvelocity( velx, vely ) object.angularvelocity = math_random( -3,3 ) * 40 object.alpha = 1 end local rect = display.newrect(100,100,100,60); local offset = 250 rect.x = cw/2; rect.y = ch/2-offset; --rect.xreference = 40; rect.yreference = offset; local function objectcollide( self, event ) local othername = print(; local function ondelay( event ) local action = "" if ( event.source ) action = event.source.action ; timer.cancel( event.source ) end if ( action == "makejoint" ) self.hasjoint = true self.touchjoint = physics.newjoint( "touch", self, self.x, self.y ) self.touchjoint.frequency = magnetpull self.touchjoint.dampingratio = 0.0 self.touchjoint:settarget( 512, 384 ) elseif ( action == "leftfield" ) self.hasjoint = false ; self.touchjoint:removeself() ; self.touchjoint = nil else if ( self.hasjoint == true ) self.hasjoint = false ; self.touchjoint:removeself() ; self.touchjoint = nil end newpositionvelocity( self ) end end if ( event.phase == "ended" , othername == "screenbounds" ) local tr = timer.performwithdelay( 10, ondelay ) ; tr.action = "leftscreen" elseif ( event.phase == "began" , othername == "magnet" ) self, { time=400, alpha=0, oncomplete=ondelay } ) elseif ( event.phase == "began" , othername == "field" , self.hasjoint == false ) local tr = timer.performwithdelay( 10, ondelay ) ; tr.action = "makejoint" elseif ( event.phase == "ended" , othername == "field" , self.hasjoint == true ) local tr = timer.performwithdelay( 10, ondelay ) ; tr.action = "leftfield" end end local function setupworld() i=1, 20 local obj = display.newcircle(0,0, 12 ) physics.addbody( obj, "dynamic", { bounce=.3, radius=12, density = .2 --[[,filter=objfilter]] } ) obj. isbullet = true; newpositionvelocity( obj ) obj.hasjoint = false obj.collision = objectcollide ; obj:addeventlistener( "collision", obj ) end local field = display.newcircle(cw/2, ch/2, 320); field.alpha = 0.2; = "field"; field.x = display.contentcenterx ; field.y = display.contentcentery; physics.addbody( field, "static", { issensor=true, radius=320, filter=fieldfilter }); magnet = display.newcircle(cw/2, ch/2, 40 ) = "magnet" magnet.x = display.contentcenterx ; magnet.y = display.contentcentery physics.addbody( magnet, "static", { bounce=0, radius=40, filter=magnetfilter } ) end setupworld() physics.addbody(rect,"kinematic", { bounce = 1, density = 1}) deg = 0.0; prevy = 0; local function ontouch(event) if event.phase == "began" prevy = event.y end if (deg<=360) deg=0; end if(event.y >= prevy) deg = deg + 10; elseif(event.y <= prevy) deg = deg -10; end prevy = event.y rect:rotate(deg); end runtime:addeventlistener("touch", ontouch);
kinematic bodies don't generate collisions. needs dynamic.
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