linux - SSH with Javascript without GUI -

what want make operating system based on ubuntu use web

i want make items clickable. if click on app-icon, application open. tried use websockets, are'nt easy use.

i tried php, exec(), popen(), system() , tried ssh2 functions. doesn't work or slow.

i can't use gui shellinabox, because want connect localhost , run commands 'firefox' or 'sensible-browser' or 'gedit'. that's why want help.

i googled whole day , found nothing. i'm searching simple solution. connection , commands. no gui, simple things!

thanks, amanush.

-------------------------------------------[second question (edit)]------------

i made own protocol , it's working well!

one last question. html:

<html> <body> <a href="cloudje:firefox">open firefox</a> </body> </html> 

my .desktop file:

[desktop entry] encoding=utf-8 version=1.0 type=application terminal=false exec=/usr/bin/cloudjerun -c gedit name[en_us]=gedit comment[en_us]=small, easy-to-use program access itunesu media name=tunesviewer comment=small, easy-to-use program access itunesu media icon=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/tunesview.svg categories=application;network; mimetype=x-scheme-handler/cloudje; comment[en_us.utf8]=small, easy-to-use program access itunesu media 


ok, it's executing gedit. reason line exec=/usr/bin/cloudjerun -c gedit.

that's cool, want run firefox well, 'cloudje:firefox' in html-file. how can replace -'-c gedit' '-c firefox', '-c skype' or '-c sensible-browser', automaticly?

i suggest register custom protocol handler os on machine.

ie.: mysweetos://launchapp/chromium

you can find info quick google of "registering custom protocol handler linux"

you have write software/script on linux machine receive request , execute required application.


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