javascript - show hide polylines google maps -
when page loaded polyline autoloaded on map. m need hide , when click chekcbox show on map. how can it? polylines has categories.. rayon.. call on checkbox categories rayon..
p.s. sorry english code:
function getline() { var mpenc = new google.maps.infowindow(); function pinfo(poly, html) { google.maps.event.addlistener(poly,"mouseover",function(){ poly.setoptions({ strokecolor:'#ffffff', strokeopacity: .8});}); google.maps.event.addlistener(poly,"mouseout",function(){ poly.setoptions({strokecolor:colorr});}); google.maps.event.addlistener(poly,'click', function(event) { mpenc.setcontent(html); mpenc.setposition(event.latlng);; }); } alert('loading lines.. please wait 10 sec.'); downloadurl("all.php", function(doc) { alert('lines loaded..'); var g = google.maps; var xmldoc = xmlparse(doc); bounds = new google.maps.latlngbounds(); // ========= process polylines =========== var lines = xmldoc.documentelement.getelementsbytagname("line"); // read each line (var = 0; < lines.length; a++) { // line attributes var colour = lines[a].getattribute("colour"); var width = parsefloat(lines[a].getattribute("width")); var diameter = lines[a].getattribute("diameter"); var project = lines[a].getattribute("projectid"); var type = lines[a].getattribute("type"); var contract = lines[a].getattribute("contract"); var cr = lines[a].getattribute("contractor"); if (cr) {cr1 = " " + cr + " ";} else { cr1 = "none";} var comp = lines[a].getattribute("complated"); var id = lines[a].getattribute("id_line"); var html = "<b>contractor:</b> " + cr1 + " </a> <br/> <b> contract: </b>" + contract + " <br/><b>line segment:</b> " + id + " <br/><b>project: </b>" + project +"<br/> <b>diameter: </b>" + diameter + " <br/> <b>completed: </b>" + comp + "% <hr><br/><a class=\"inline-link-1\" href=\"javascript:void(0)\"onclick=\"'cdatal.php?id="+ id +"','cdatal','height=300, width=460,scrollbars=no')\">change completed</a> <a class=\"inline-link-1\" href=\"javascript:void(0)\"onclick=\"'dedit.php?id="+ id +"','cdata','height=300, width=350,scrollbars=no')\">design data</a>" ; // read each point on line var points = lines[a].getelementsbytagname("point"); var pts = []; var length = 0; var point = null; (var = 0; < points.length; i++) { pts[i] = new g.latlng(parsefloat(points[i].getattribute("lng")), parsefloat(points[i].getattribute("lat"))); if (i > 0) { length += pts[i-1].distancefrom(pts[i]); if (isnan(length)) { alert("["+i+"] length="+length+" segment="+pts[i-1].distancefrom(pts[i])) }; } bounds.extend(pts[i]); point = pts[parseint(i/2)]; } // length *= 0.000621371192; // miles/meter if (comp < 1) { colorr = '#fa0505' } if (comp > 0 && comp < 25 ) { colorr = '#ffa640' } if (comp > 24 && comp < 50) { colorr = '#fffd91' } if (comp > 49 && comp < 75) { colorr = '#e8e400' } if (comp > 74 && comp < 100) { colorr = '#bfffad' } if (comp == 100) { colorr = '#0f8500' } if(type == 'dl') {en = '1'} if(type == 'ml') {en = '3'} if(type == 'tl') {en = '5'} var poly = new g.polyline({ map:map, path:pts, strokecolor:colorr, strokeweight:en, clickable: true }); pinfo(poly,html); } map.fitbounds(bounds); }); } <li><input type="checkbox" id="value1" value="wsn/qabala.php" onclick="boxclick(this.value,'qabala','value1')" /> qabala</li> <li><input type="checkbox" id="value2" value="wsn/ismailli.php" onclick="boxclick(this.value,'ismailli','value2')" /> ismayilli</li> <li><input type="checkbox" id="value3" value="wsn/agshu.php" onclick="boxclick(this.value,'value3')" /> aghsu</li> ....
and xml data:
do mean this?
$(function() { var div = $('#categories'); var map = new$('#map').get(0), { center: new google.maps.latlng(0, -180), zoom: 3, maptypeid: google.maps.maptypeid.roadmap }); var categories = { rayon: [ { coordinates: [ [37.772323, -122.214897], [21.291982, -157.821856], [-18.142599, 178.431], [-27.46758, 153.027892] ], color: '#ff0000' } ] }; $.each(categories, function(name) { var paths = [];new google.maps.latlng $.each(this, function(i) { var path = []; $.each(this.coordinates, function(i) { path.push(new google.maps.latlng(this[0], this[1])); }); paths.push(new google.maps.polyline({ path: path, strokecolor: this.color, strokeopacity: 1.0, strokeweight: 2, visible: false, map: map })); }); categories[name] = paths; div.append('<label><input type="checkbox" value="' + name + '"/> ' + name + '</label>'); }); div.on('change', 'input', function(event) { var checked = this.checked; $.each(categories[this.value], function(i) { this.setvisible(checked); }); }); });
the key group polylines.
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