change desktop wallpaper c# -

this question has answer here:

i want create program saves bmp image file on driver , sets image wallpaper. code managed write saves image in correct place image doesn't appear wallpaper. please help...

class program {     [dllimport("user32.dll", charset =]     private static extern int32 systemparametersinfo(uint32 uiaction, uint32     uiparam,string pvparam, uint32 fwinini);     private static uint32 spi_setdeskwallpaper = 20;     private static uint32 spif_updateinifile = 0x1;     private string imagefilename = "d:\\wall.bmp";       static void main(string[] args)     {         bitmap bmp = new bitmap(properties.resources.wall);"d:\\wall.bmp");         systemparametersinfo(spi_setdeskwallpaper, 0, "d:\\wall.bmp", spif_updateinifile);     }      } 

you can try class written here :

public sealed class wallpaper {     wallpaper() { }      const int spi_setdeskwallpaper = 20;     const int spif_updateinifile = 0x01;     const int spif_sendwininichange = 0x02;      [dllimport("user32.dll", charset =]     static extern int systemparametersinfo(int uaction, int uparam, string lpvparam, int fuwinini);      public enum style : int     {         tiled,         centered,         stretched     }      public static void set(uri uri, style style)     { s = new;          system.drawing.image img = system.drawing.image.fromstream(s);         string temppath = path.combine(path.gettemppath(), "wallpaper.bmp");, system.drawing.imaging.imageformat.bmp);          registrykey key = registry.currentuser.opensubkey(@"control panel\desktop", true);         if (style == style.stretched)         {             key.setvalue(@"wallpaperstyle", 2.tostring());             key.setvalue(@"tilewallpaper", 0.tostring());         }          if (style == style.centered)         {             key.setvalue(@"wallpaperstyle", 1.tostring());             key.setvalue(@"tilewallpaper", 0.tostring());         }          if (style == style.tiled)         {             key.setvalue(@"wallpaperstyle", 1.tostring());             key.setvalue(@"tilewallpaper", 1.tostring());         }          systemparametersinfo(spi_setdeskwallpaper,             0,             temppath,             spif_updateinifile | spif_sendwininichange);     } } 

good luck!


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