java - oAuth 2.0 for google apps audit api -

i using following method oauth credentials google apps audit api

    string consumer_key = "consumer_key";     string consumer_secret = "consumer_secret";      googleoauthparameters oauthparameters = new googleoauthparameters();     oauthparameters.setoauthconsumerkey(consumer_key);     oauthparameters.setoauthconsumersecret(consumer_secret);     oauthparameters                 .setscope("");     oauthparameters                 .setoauthcallback("url_where_i_handle_callback_from_google");      googleoauthhelper oauthhelper = new googleoauthhelper(                 new oauthhmacsha1signer());     oauthhelper.getunauthorizedrequesttoken(oauthparameters);     req.getsession().setattribute("tokensecret",                     oauthparameters.getoauthtokensecret());     string approvalpageurl = oauthhelper                     .createuserauthorizationurl(oauthparameters);     resp.sendredirect(approvalpageurl);      //handle on oauth callback , retrieving oauth token     string oauthtoken = req.getparameter("oauth_token");     if (oauthtoken != null) {         googleoauthhelper oauthhelper = new googleoauthhelper(                 new oauthhmacsha1signer());         googleoauthparameters oauthparameters = new googleoauthparameters();         oauthparameters.setoauthconsumerkey(consumer_key);         oauthparameters.setoauthconsumersecret(consumer_secret);         oauthparameters.setoauthtokensecret((string) req.getsession()                 .getattribute("tokensecret"));         oauthhelper.getoauthparametersfromcallback(req.getquerystring(),                 oauthparameters);          string accesstoken = oauthhelper.getaccesstoken(oauthparameters);         string accesstokensecret = oauthparameters.getoauthtokensecret();     } 

then signed audit service using :

    googleoauthparameters oauthparameters = new googleoauthparameters();     oauthparameters.setoauthconsumerkey(consumer_key);     oauthparameters.setoauthconsumersecret(consumer_secret);     oauthparameters.setoauthtoken(accesstoken );     oauthparameters.setoauthtokensecret(accesstoken );      auditservice service = new auditservice(<domain_name>,<app_id>);     service.setoauthcredentials(oauthparameters, new oauthhmacsha1signer()); 

now problem it's oauth 1 using oauthhmacsha1signer().i want oauth 2.0 not getting resources tells how using java clients. consumer_key , consumer_secret,i getting while want use client_id , client_secret oauth 2.

please provide code example oauth 2 using google java client libs or provide links o tutorials.


i hope 1 of these out -

a lot of snippets might find useful, on link -


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