c# - Why is my network read/write speed so slow on my app? -

ok, have made server\client app file transportation using single-thread in console app. whenever run both client , server on same network runs perfectly, whenever try across internet very, very, slow running @ 130000 bytes second. client using high-speed ethernet connection , server using wireless connection. using port forwarding send requests port 54321 computer running server. using tcplistener listen connection, tcpclient accept connection, streamreader , streamwriter attached networkstream send/receive data. ideas on why might slow? way, know fact not wireless network causing lag, think program. here code :

server :

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.net; using system.net.sockets; using system.io; namespace server {     class program     {         static bool dontloop;         static string selectedfile;         static string[] filearray;         static bool authgood;         static bool goodexit;         static string version = "1.0.0";         static int timeout;         static bool multifile;         static bool ipblock;         static bool auth;         static string msg;         static string authpath;         static string banpath;         static int port;         static tcplistener tcp1;         static tcpclient tcp2;         static networkstream net;         static streamreader sr;         static streamwriter sw;         static binaryreader br;         static binarywriter bw;         static long length;         static int32 buffersize;         static byte[] buffer;         static filestream mainfile;         static filestream secondaryfile;         static string filelength;         static filestream settingsfile;         static streamreader settingsreader;         static string path;         static void main(string[] args)         {             while (true)             {                 try                 {                     console.inputencoding = utf8encoding.utf8;                     console.outputencoding = utf8encoding.utf8;                     console.title = "file server [version : " + version + "] <sf>";                     if (console.bufferwidth > 59)                     {                         console.writeline(@"             $$$$$$$$\ $$\ $$\             $$  _____|\__|$$ |             $$ |      $$\ $$ | $$$$$$\             $$$$$\    $$ |$$ |$$  __$$\             $$  __|   $$ |$$ |$$$$$$$$ |             $$ |      $$ |$$ |$$   ____|             $$ |      $$ |$$ |\$$$$$$$\             \__|      \__|\__| \_______|  $$$$$$\ $$  __$$\ $$ /  \__| $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\ $$\    $$\  $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\ \$$$$$$\  $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\\$$\  $$  |$$  __$$\ $$  __$$\  \____$$\ $$$$$$$$ |$$ |  \__|\$$\$$  / $$$$$$$$ |$$ |  \__| $$\   $$ |$$   ____|$$ |       \$$$  /  $$   ____|$$ | \$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$$\ $$ |        \$  /   \$$$$$$$\ $$ |  \______/  \_______|\__|         \_/     \_______|\__| ");                     }                     else                     {                         console.writeline("[file server]");                     }                     settingsfile = new filestream(environment.currentdirectory.tostring() + @"\settings.cfg", filemode.open, fileaccess.read);                     settingsreader = new streamreader(settingsfile);                     string temp0 = settingsreader.readtoend();                     string[] settings = temp0.split(new string[] { environment.newline }, stringsplitoptions.none);                     port = toint(settings.skip(0).take(1).first().split('=').last());                     path = settings.skip(1).take(1).first().split('=').last();                     authpath = settings.skip(2).take(1).first().split('=').last();                     auth = convert.toboolean(settings.skip(3).take(1).first().split('=').last());                     banpath = settings.skip(4).take(1).first().split('=').last();                     ipblock = convert.toboolean(settings.skip(5).take(1).first().split('=').last());                     timeout = toint(settings.skip(6).take(1).first().split('=').last());                     multifile = convert.toboolean(settings.skip(7).take(1).first().split('=').last());                     settingsfile.close();                     settingsreader.close();                     tcp1 = new tcplistener(new ipendpoint(ipaddress.any, port));                     tcp1.start();                     console.writeline("server started. listening on '{0}'.", tcp1.localendpoint.tostring());                     tcp2 = tcp1.accepttcpclient();                     tcp1.server.close();                     net = tcp2.getstream();                     console.writeline("client '{0}' connected.", tcp2.client.remoteendpoint.tostring().split(':').first());                     net.readtimeout = timeout;                     net.writetimeout = timeout;                     console.writeline("using '{0}' ms timeout.", timeout);                     sr = new streamreader(net);                     sw = new streamwriter(net);                     string temp1 = sr.readline();                     if (temp1 != version)                     {                         throw new exception("client version '" + temp1 + "' not match server version '" + version + "'!");                     }                     sw.writeline(net.readtimeout.tostring());                     sw.flush();                     if (ipblock == true)                     {                         string clientip = tcp2.client.remoteendpoint.tostring().split(':').first();                         filestream banstream = file.openread(banpath);                         streamreader banreader = new streamreader(banstream);                         while (banreader.endofstream == false)                         {                             if (banreader.readline() == clientip)                             {                                 throw new exception("client ip banned!");                             }                         }                         console.writeline("client '{0}' not banned.", clientip);                     }                     if (auth == true)                     {                         sw.writeline("auth=true");                         sw.flush();                         console.writeline("waiting client response...");                         string creds = sr.readline();                         console.writeline("client attempting login '{0}'.", creds);                         filestream authstream = file.openread(authpath);                         streamreader authreader = new streamreader(authstream);                         while (authreader.endofstream == false)                         {                             if (authreader.readline() == creds)                             {                                 authgood = true;                                 sw.writeline("accept");                                 flush();                                 console.writeline("client login successful.");                             }                         }                         if (authgood == false)                         {                             sw.writeline("deny");                             flush();                             throw new exception("client authentication failed!");                         }                     }                     if (auth == false)                     {                         sw.writeline("auth=false");                         sw.flush();                     }                     dontloop = false;                     while (dontloop == false)                     {                         if (multifile == true)                         {                             sw.writeline("multifile=true");                             flush();                             string temp3 = sr.readline();                             if (temp3 != "ok")                             {                                 throw new exception("client response incorrect! errcode=1.");                             }                             else                             {                                 while (true)                                 {                                     filearray = directory.getfiles(path);                                     foreach (string s in filearray)                                     {                                         try                                         {                                             secondaryfile = file.openread(s);                                             filelength = secondaryfile.length.tostring();                                             secondaryfile.close();                                         }                                         catch (exception)                                         {                                             filelength = "(length unavailable)";                                         }                                         sw.writeline("{0} | {1} bytes.", s, filelength);                                         sw.flush();                                     }                                      sw.writeline("status=done");                                     sw.flush();                                     console.writeline("waiting client response...");                                     selectedfile = sr.readline();                                     console.writeline("received client response.");                                     if (selectedfile != "0")                                     {                                         break;                                     }                                     else                                     {                                         console.writeline("client refreshed file list.");                                     }                                 }                                 int index = convert.toint32(selectedfile) - 1;                                 string temp5 = filearray.skip(index).take(1).toarray().first().tostring();                                 console.writeline("client selected '{0}'.", temp5);                                 mainfile = file.openread(temp5);                                 length = mainfile.length;                                 if (length < 65000)                                 {                                     buffersize = toint(length.tostring());                                 }                                 else                                 {                                     buffersize = 65000;                                 }                                 console.writeline("using '{0}' byte buffer.", buffersize.tostring());                             }                         }                         if (multifile == false)                         {                             sw.writeline("multifile=false");                             flush();                             string temp3 = sr.readline();                             if (temp3 != "ok")                             {                                 throw new exception("client response incorrect! errcode=2.");                             }                             else                             {                                 try                                 {                                     secondaryfile = file.openread(path);                                     filelength = secondaryfile.length.tostring();                                     secondaryfile.close();                                 }                                 catch (exception)                                 {                                     filelength = "(length unavailable)";                                 }                                 sw.writeline("{0} | {1}", path, filelength);                                 sw.flush();                                 console.writeline("waiting client response...");                                 string temp4 = sr.readline();                                 console.writeline("received client response.");                                 if (temp4 != "ok")                                 {                                     throw new exception("client response incorrect! errcode=3.");                                 }                                 mainfile = file.openread(path);                                 length = mainfile.length;                                 if (length < 65000)                                 {                                     buffersize = toint(length.tostring());                                 }                                 else                                 {                                     buffersize = 65000;                                 }                                 console.writeline("using '{0}' byte buffer.", buffersize.tostring());                             }                          }                         sw.writeline(mainfile.length.tostring());                         sw.flush();                         sw.writeline("ready?");                         sw.flush();                         console.writeline("waiting client response...");                         string temp6 = sr.readline();                         if (temp6 != "yes")                         {                             throw new exception("client response incorrect! errcode=4.");                         }                         br = new binaryreader(mainfile);                         bw = new binarywriter(net);                         while (true)                         {                             try                             {                                 string temp9 = sr.readline();                                 if (temp9.tostring() == "done")                                 {                                     console.writeline();                                     console.writeline("waiting client response...");                                     string temp7 = sr.readline();                                     if (temp7 == "close")                                     {                                         try                                         {                                             tcp2.close();                                             if (tcp2.connected == false)                                             {                                                 throw new exception();                                             }                                         }                                         catch (exception)                                         {                                             goodexit = true;                                             dontloop = true;                                             break;                                         }                                     }                                     if (temp7 == "again")                                     {                                         console.writeline("client wants download file.");                                         mainfile.close();                                         dontloop = false;                                         break;                                     }                                 }                                 long temp8 = convert.toint64(temp9);                                 mainfile.position = temp8;                                 if (length - temp8 >= buffersize)                                 {                                     buffersize = 65000;                                 }                                 if (length - temp8 < buffersize)                                 {                                     buffersize = toint((length - temp8).tostring());                                 }                                 buffer = new byte[buffersize];                                 buffer = br.readbytes(buffer.length);                                 bw.write(buffer);                                 string percent = math.round(((double)((double)temp8 / (double)length) * 100), 2, midpointrounding.awayfromzero).tostring();                                 if (percent == "100" && temp8 < length) { percent = "<100"; }                                 console.write("\rclient requested {0} / {1} bytes | {2}% done.   ", temp8, length, percent);                                 bw.flush();                             }                             catch (exception err)                             {                                 dontloop = true;                                 goodexit = false;                                 closeall();                                 console.writeline();                                 console.writeline(err.message.tostring());                                 console.writeline();                                 break;                             }                         }                         if (goodexit == true)                         {                             closeall();                             console.writeline("task complete.");                             break;                         }                     }                 }                 catch (exception err)                 {                     closeall();                     console.writeline();                     console.writeline(err.message.tostring());                     console.writeline();                 }                 console.writeline("server restarting in 10 seconds.");                 system.threading.thread.sleep(10000);             }         }         static int toint(string string_)         {             int = convert.toint32(string_);             return i;         }         static void halfclose()         {             mainfile.close();             bw.close();             br.close();         }         static void flush()         {             sw.flush();         }         static void closeall()         {             try             {                 br.close();             }             catch { }             try             {                 bw.close();             }             catch { }             try             {                 sr.close();             }             catch { }             try             {                 sw.close();             }             catch { }             try             {                 net.close();             }             catch { }             try             {                 tcp2.close();             }             catch { }             try             {                 tcp1.server.close();             }             catch { }             try             {                 tcp1.stop();             }             catch { }         }     } } 

client : can found here -> (too many characters body, address above ftp server)

you shouldn't have flush stream. believe delays harddisk io.


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