Dynamic Linq Library to generate particular type object for selected properties -

im using dynamic linq library application, in sample of dynamic linq library, can pass string of comma separated columns name or property names select clause of linq below .select("new (accountingdocumentnbr,documentfiscalyearnbr)");

can pass object instantiate , populate property values object below

.select("new accountingobject(accountingdocumentnbr,documentfiscalyearnbr)");

accountingobject have accountingdocumentnbr,documentfiscalyearnbr. possible dynamic linq library . http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2008/01/07/dynamic-linq-part-1-using-the-linq-dynamic-query-library.aspx

need inputs on this..

well, in theory code should looks this:

function parsenew() expression     nexttoken()     validatetoken(tokenid.openparen, res.openparenexpected)     nexttoken()     dim properties new list(of dynamicproperty)()     dim expressions new list(of expression)()             dim exprpos = tokenval.pos         dim expr = parseexpression()         dim propname string         if tokenidentifieris("as")             nexttoken()             propname = getidentifier()             nexttoken()         else             dim [me] memberexpression = trycast(expr, memberexpression)             if [me] nothing throw parseerror(exprpos, res.missingasclause)             propname = [me].member.name         end if         expressions.add(expr)         properties.add(new dynamicproperty(propname, expr.type))         if tokenval.id <> tokenid.comma exit         nexttoken()     loop     validatetoken(tokenid.closeparen, res.closeparenorcommaexpected)     nexttoken()     dim type type = if(newresulttype, dynamicexpression.createclass(properties))     dim bindings(properties.count - 1) memberbinding     integer = 0 bindings.length - 1         bindings(i) = expression.bind(type.getproperty(properties(i).name), expressions(i))     next     return expression.memberinit(expression.[new](type), bindings) end function 

but how calling select method? should looks more or less this:

 .select<objectholder>("new (activity activity, activityname activityname)") 


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