has and belongs to many - Cakephp HABTM: View generating drop down instead of multi value selectbox -

i trying work habtm association between profiles , qualifications tables.

model: profile.php

app::uses('appmodel', 'model'); class profile extends appmodel {   public $hasandbelongstomany = array(     'qualification' => array(     'classname' => 'qualification',     'jointable' => 'profile_qualifications',     'foreignkey' => 'profile_id',     'associationforeignkey' => 'qualification_id',     'unique' => 'keepexisting'     )   ); } 

model: qualification.php

app::uses('appmodel', 'model'); class qualification extends appmodel {   public $hasandbelongstomany = array(     'profile' => array(     'classname' => 'profile',     'jointable' => 'profile_qualifications',     'foreignkey' => 'qualification_id',     'associationforeignkey' => 'profile_id',     'unique' => 'keepexisting',     )   ); } 

controller: profilescontroller.php

app::uses('appcontroller', 'controller'); class profilescontroller extends appcontroller {   public function edit() {     $this->profile->id = $this->auth->user('profile_id');     if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) {       if ($this->profile->save($this->request->data)) {         $this->session->setflash(__('the profile has been saved'));         $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view'));       } else {         $this->session->setflash(__('the profile not saved. please, try again.'));       }     } else {       $this->request->data = $this->profile->read(null, $this->auth->user('profile_id'));     }     $salutations = $this->profile->salutation->find('list', array('fields' => array('salutation.id', 'salutation.abbr_name')));     $qualifications = $this->profile->qualification->find('list', array('fields' => array('qualification.id', 'qualification.abbr_name')));     $this->set(compact('salutations', 'qualifications'));   } } 

vew: edit.ctp

<div class="profiles form"> <?php echo $this->form->create('profile'); ?>   <fieldset>     <legend><?php echo __('my profile'); ?></legend> <?php   echo $this->form->input('salutation_id');   echo $this->form->input('first_name');   echo $this->form->input('middle_name');   echo $this->form->input('last_name');   echo $this->form->input('qualification'); /* gives drop down not multi select */   echo $this->form->input('bio');   echo $this->form->input('email');   echo $this->form->input('mobile');   echo $this->form->input('phone'); ?> </fieldset> <?php echo $this->form->end(__('submit')); ?> </div> 

the edit view generated contains drop down select single value @ time qualifications attribute.

i want know how can generate view multi value selection box qualifications ? moreover, mistake in code right ?


echo $this->form->input('qualification'); 


echo $this->form->input('qualification', array(     'multiple' => true )); 

the cakephp manual has more information on form helper input options.


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