c# - How to convert stream reader response to a class object? -

i working on functionality makes httppost response.

here's code i'm working with:

public string submitrequest(string posturl, string contenttype, string postvalues)     {         var req = webrequest.create(posturl);         req.method = "post";         req.contenttype = contenttype;          try         {             using (var reqstream = req.getrequeststream())             {                 var writer = new streamwriter(reqstream);                 writer.writeline(postvalues);             }              var resp = req.getresponse();              using (var respstream = resp.getresponsestream())             {                 var reader = new streamreader(respstream);                 return reader.readtoend().trim();             }          }         catch(webexception ex)         {             // here         }          return string.empty;     } 

the function returns xml in string format, instance:

<result>   <code>failed</code>   <message>duplicate application</message> </result> 

this needs converted class object - i'm not sure how go in correct way.

any advice appreciated.

you want deserialize returned xml object. basic example:

//m string based xml representation of object. make sure there's there if (!string.isnullorwhitespace(m))     {         //make new xmlserializer type of object being created         var ser = new xmlserializer(typeof(yourtype));          //deserialize , cast type of object         var obj = (yourtype)ser.deserialize(new stringreader(m));          return obj ;     } 


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