algorithm - First appearance in Stern's Diatomic Sequance -
you integer n , need find index of first appearance in stern's diatomic sequence.
the sequence defined this:
a[0] = 0 a[1] = 1 a[2*i] = a[i] a[2*i+1] = a[i] + a[i+1]
see mathworld.
because n can 400000, it's not idea brute-force it, since time limit 4000 ms.
the sequence pretty odd: first occurrence of 8 21, first occurrence of 6 33.
any ideas how solve this?
maybe might help: oeis
we can solve first occurrence of number in range of 400000 in under 4 seconds:
prelude diatomic> firstdiatomic 400000 363490989 (0.03 secs, 26265328 bytes) prelude diatomic> map firstdiatomic [400000 .. 400100] [363490989,323659475,580472163,362981813,349334091,355685483,346478235,355707595 ,291165867,346344083,347155797,316314293,576398643,315265835,313171245,355183267 ,315444051,315970205,575509833,311741035,340569429,313223987,565355925,296441165 ,361911645,312104147,557145429,317106853,323637939,324425077,610613547,311579309 ,316037811,311744107,342436533,348992869,313382235,325406123,355818699,312128723 ,347230875,324752171,313178421,312841811,313215645,321754459,576114987,325793195 ,313148763,558545581,355294101,359224397,345462093,307583675,355677549,312120731 ,341404245,316298389,581506779,345401947,312109779,316315061,315987123,313447771 ,361540179,313878107,304788843,325765547,316036275,313731751,355635795,312035947 ,346756533,313873883,349358379,357393763,559244877,313317739,325364139,312128107 ,580201947,358182323,314944173,357403987,584291115,312158827,347448723,363246413 ,315935571,349386085,315929427,312137323,357247725,313207657,320121429,356954923 ,557139285,296392013,576042123,311726765,296408397] (2.45 secs, 3201358192 bytes)
the key calkin-wilf tree.
starting fraction 1/1
, built rule node fraction a/b
, left child carries fraction a/(a+b)
, , right child fraction (a+b)/b
1/1 / \ / \ / \ 1/2 2/1 / \ / \ 1/3 3/2 2/3 3/1
etc. diatomic sequence (starting @ index 1) sequence of numerators of fractions in calkin-wilf tree, when traversed level level, each level left right.
if @ tree of indices
1 / \ / \ / \ 2 3 / \ / \ 4 5 6 7 / \ 8 9 ...
we can verify node @ index k
in calkin-wilf tree carries fraction a[k]/a[k+1]
that true k = 1
(a[1] = a[2] = 1
), , on,
k = 2*j
have left child of node indexj
, fractiona[j]/(a[j]+a[j+1])
,a[k] = a[j]
,a[k+1] = a[j] + a[j+1]
defining equations of sequence.for
k = 2*j+1
have right child of node indexj
, fraction(a[j]+a[j+1])/a[j+1]
again defining equations.
all positive reduced fractions occur once in calkin-wilf tree (left exercise reader), hence positive integers occur in diatomic sequence.
we can find node in calkin-wilf tree index following binary representation of index, significant bit least, 1-bit go right child , 0-bit left. (for that, nice augment calkin-wilf tree node 0/1
right child 1/1
node, need have step significant set bit of index.)
now, doesn't yet solve problem @ hand.
but, let first solve related problem: reduced fraction p/q
, determine index.
suppose p > q
. know p/q
right child, , parent (p-q)/q
. if p-q > q
, have again right child, parent (p - 2*q)/q
. continuing, if
p = a*q + b, 1 <= b < q
then reach p/q
node b/q
node going right child a
now need find node numerator smaller denominator. of course left child of parent. parent of b/q
then. if
q = c*b + d, 1 <= d < b
we have go left child c
times node b/d
reach b/q
and on.
we can find way root (1/1
) p/q
node using continued fraction (i consider simple continued fractions here) expansion of p/q
. let p > q
p/q = [a_0, a_1, ..., a_r,1]
the continued fraction expansion of p/q
ending in 1
- if
even, go right childa_r
times, lefta_(r-1)
times, right child ...a_1
times left child, ,a_0
times right. - if
odd, first go left childa_r
times right ...a_1
times left child, ,a_0
times right.
for p < q
, must end going left, hence start going left r
, start going right odd r
we have found close connection between binary representation of index , continued fraction expansion of fraction carried node via path root node.
let run-length-encoding of index k
[c_1, c_2, ..., c_j] (all c_i > 0)
i.e. binary representation of k
starts c_1
ones, followed c_2
zeros, c_3
ones etc., , ending c_j
- ones, if
odd - hencej
odd; - zeros, if
- hencej
then [c_j, c_(j-1), ..., c_2, c_1]
continued fraction expansion of a[k]/a[k+1]
length has same parity k
(every rational has 2 continued fraction expansions, 1 odd length, other length).
the rle gives path 0/1
node above 1/1
. length of path is
- the number of bits necessary represent
, and - the sum of partial quotients in continued fraction expansion.
now, find index of first occurrence of n > 0
in diatomic sequence, first observe smallest index must odd, since a[k] = a[k/2]
. let smallest index k = 2*j+1
. then
- the length of rle of
odd, - the fraction @ node index
a[2*j+1]/a[2*j+2] = (a[j] + a[j+1])/a[j+1]
, hence right child.
so smallest index k
a[k] = n
corresponds left-most ending of shortest paths node numerator n
the shortest paths correspond continued fraction expansions of n/m
, 0 < m <= n
coprime n
[the fraction must reduced] smallest sum of partial quotients.
what kind of length need expect? given continued fraction p/q = [a_0, a_1, ..., a_r]
a_0 > 0
, sum
s = a_0 + ... + a_r
the numerator p
bounded f(s+1)
, denominator q
, f(j)
-th fibonacci number. bounds sharp, a_0 = a_1 = ... = a_r = 1
fraction f(s+1)/f(s)
so if f(t) < n <= f(t+1)
, sum of partial quotients of continued fraction expansion (either of two) >= t
. there m
such sum of partial quotients of continued fraction expansion of n/m
, not always:
f(5) = 5 < 6 <= f(6) = 8
and continued fraction expansions of 2 reduced fractions 6/m
0 < m <= 6
6/1 = [6] (alternatively [5,1]) 6/5 = [1,4,1] (alternatively [1,5])
with sum of partial quotients 6. however, smallest possible sum of partial quotients never larger (the largest i'm aware of t+2
the continued fraction expansions of n/m
, n/(n-m)
closely related. let's assume m < n/2
, , let
n/m = [a_0, a_1, ..., a_r]
then a_0 >= 2
(n-m)/m = [a_0 - 1, a_1, ..., a_r]
and since
n/(n-m) = 1 + m/(n-m) = 1 + 1/((n-m)/m)
the continued fraction expansion of n/(n-m)
n/(n-m) = [1, a_0 - 1, a_1, ..., a_r]
in particular, sum of partial quotients same both.
unfortunately, i'm not aware of way find m
smallest sum of partial quotients without brute force, algorithm (i assume n > 2
0 < m < n/2
, find continued fraction expansion ofn/m
, collecting ones smallest sum of partial quotients (the usual algorithm produces expansions last partial quotient> 1
, assume that).adjust found continued fraction expansions [those not large in number] following way:
- if cf
[a_0, a_1, ..., a_r]
has length, convert[a_0, a_1, ..., a_(r-1), a_r - 1, 1]
- otherwise, use
[1, a_0 - 1, a_1, ..., a_(r-1), a_r - 1, 1]
(that chooses 1 between
leading smaller index)- if cf
reverse continued fractions obtain run-length-encodings of corresponding indices
choose smallest among them.
in step 1, useful use smallest sum found far short-cut.
code (haskell, since that's easiest):
module diatomic (diatomic, firstdiatomic, fuscs) import data.list strip :: int -> int -> int strip p = go go n = case n `quotrem` p of (q,r) | r == 0 -> go q | otherwise -> n primefactors :: int -> [int] primefactors n | n < 1 = error "primefactors: non-positive argument" | n == 1 = [] | n `rem` 2 == 0 = 2 : go (strip 2 (n `quot` 2)) 3 | otherwise = go n 3 go 1 _ = [] go m p | m < p*p = [m] | r == 0 = p : go (strip p q) (p+2) | otherwise = go m (p+2) (q,r) = m `quotrem` p contfraclim :: int -> int -> int -> maybe [int] contfraclim = go [] go acc lim n d = case n `quotrem` d of (a,b) | lim < -> nothing | b == 0 -> (a:acc) | otherwise -> go (a:acc) (lim - a) d b fixupcf :: [int] -> [int] fixupcf [a] | < 3 = [a] | otherwise = [1,a-2,1] fixupcf xs | (length xs) = case xs of (1:_) -> fixend xs (a:bs) -> 1 : (a-1) : bs | otherwise = case xs of (1:_) -> xs (a:bs) -> 1 : fixend ((a-1):bs) fixend :: [int] -> [int] fixend [a,1] = [a+1] fixend [a] = [a-1,1] fixend (a:bs) = : fixend bs fixend _ = error "shouldn't have called fixend empty list" cfcompare :: [int] -> [int] -> ordering cfcompare (a:bs) (c:ds) = case compare c of eq -> cfcompare ds bs cp -> cp fibs :: [integer] fibs = 0 : 1 : zipwith (+) fibs (tail fibs) tonumber :: [int] -> integer tonumber = foldl' ((+) . (*2)) 0 . concat . (flip (zipwith replicate) $ cycle [1,0]) fuscs :: integer -> (integer, integer) fuscs 0 = (0,1) fuscs 1 = (1,1) fuscs n = case n `quotrem` 2 of (q,r) -> let (a,b) = fuscs q in if r == 0 (a,a+b) else (a+b,b) diatomic :: integer -> integer diatomic = fst . fuscs firstdiatomic :: int -> integer firstdiatomic n | n < 0 = error "diatomic sequence has no negative terms" | n < 2 = fromintegral n | n == 2 = 3 | otherwise = tonumber $ bestcf n bestcf :: int -> [int] bestcf n = check [] estimate start pfs = primefactors n (step,ops) = case pfs of (2:xs) -> (2,xs) _ -> (1,pfs) start0 = (n-1) `quot` 2 start | n && start0 = start0 - 1 | otherwise = start0 eligible k = ((/= 0) . (k `rem`)) ops estimate = length (takewhile (<= fromintegral n) fibs) + 2 check candidates lim k | k < 1 || n `quot` k >= lim = if null candidates check [] (2*lim) start else minimumby cfcompare candidates | eligible k = case contfraclim lim n k of nothing -> check candidates lim (k-step) cf -> let s = sum cf in if s < lim check [fixupcf cf] s (k - step) else check (fixupcf cf : candidates) lim (k-step) | otherwise = check candidates lim (k-step)
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