store - vhdl compare new input with old input -
how do it?
i new , sure easy enough can't seem figure out how
here pseudo code
port(x,y: in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) -- 3 bit input counted eg ("000", "001", "010"... "111", "000" ...) q_out : out integer); -- example signal temp_q_out: integer; when x (or y) increments -- part can't temp_q_out <= temp_ q_out + 1; case temp_q_out when 0 q_out <= 7 when 1 q_out <= 12 when 2 q_out <= 4 when others q_out <= 100
how make temp_q_out count when x or y increments , @ no other time? want output q_out 7 until x or y changes 12 till x or y changes again 2. happens output becomes 100 straight away.
any @ appreciated
cheers guys :-)
i don't think there safe way want asynchronous logic. assuming want synthesize this, need clock input. then, can add process stores previous values of x
, y
, , checks whether new value equal old value or not. here's example:
process(clk) variable prev_x, prev_y : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); begin if rising_edge(clk) if (x /= prev_x) or (y /= prev_y) temp_q_out <= temp_q_out + 1; end if; prev_x := x; prev_y := y; end if; end process;
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