android - how to transfer the curl command to http post request -

i using facebook object api upload images facebook staging service. api document here

in doucement, uses curl upload image:

curl -x post -f file=@images/prawn-curry-1.jpg -f access_token=$user_access_token

how can achieve same function using http post request in android app?

thanks lot!

string uri = ""; httpresponse response = null; try {             httpclient client = new defaulthttpclient();     httppost post = new httppost(uri);     multipartentity postentity = new multipartentity();     string picpath = (uri.parse(picuristr)).getpath();     file file = new file("/data/local/tmp/images.jpg");     postentity.addpart("file", new filebody(file, "image/jpeg"));     postentity.addpart("access_token", new stringbody("your access token string here"));     post.setentity(postentity);     response = client.execute(post); } catch (clientprotocolexception e) {     log.d(tag, "exception");     e.printstacktrace(); } catch (ioexception e) {     log.d(tag, "exception");     e.printstacktrace(); }     httpentity responseentity = response.getentity(); if (responseentity== null) {     log.d(tag, "responseentity null");     return ""; } 


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