how to use preloader in Grid View in android -

i want use preloader image in gridview images when loading form remote server. while loading server @ time want show preloader image this(same progress bar or progress bar).

i want show small progress bar there in gridview image item or preloader image dnt know can use me achieve this.

can please me how can thing in android.

i want make ios. image form ios.

enter image description here

here android layout xml file :


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <relativelayout xmlns:android=""     android:layout_width="fill_parent"     android:layout_height="wrap_content" >      <include         android:id="@+id/title_bar"         android:layout_alignparenttop="true"         layout="@layout/activity_top_header_bar" />      <gridview         android:id="@+id/gridview"         android:layout_width="fill_parent"         android:layout_height="fill_parent"         android:layout_below="@id/title_bar"         android:gravity="center"         android:horizontalspacing="4dip"         android:numcolumns="4"         android:padding="5dip"         android:stretchmode="columnwidth"         android:verticalspacing="4dip" />  </relativelayout> 

this xml file used item each grid in gridview.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <imageview xmlns:android=""     android:id="@+id/image"     android:layout_width="fill_parent"     android:layout_height="75dp"     android:adjustviewbounds="true"     android:contentdescription="@string/descr_image"     android:scaletype="centercrop" /> 

source code :

public class imagegridactivity extends baseactivity {     private static final string tag = "[imagegridactivity]";      private displayimageoptions options;      private pulltorefreshgridview mpullrefreshgridview;      private gridview mgridview = null;     arraylist<gallaryimage> mgridviewimageslist;     private imageadapter mimageadapter = null;      private string mimageurl = null;     private string mgallarytitle = null;      // private imageloader imageloader = imageloader.getinstance();      @override     public void oncreate(final bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.activity_image_grid);         options = new displayimageoptions.builder()                 .showstubimage(r.drawable.photo_default)                 .showimageforemptyuri(r.drawable.photo_default)                 .showimageonfail(r.drawable.ic_error).cacheinmemory()                 .cacheondisc().bitmapconfig(bitmap.config.rgb_565).build();          final bundle bundle = getintent().getextras();         if (bundle != null) {             mimageurl = bundle.getstring(constants.gallary_fetch_url);              mgallarytitle = bundle.getstring(constants.gallary_type);             if (mgallarytitle != null) {                  locale loc = locale.getdefault();                 textview tvtitletext = (textview) findviewbyid(;                 tvtitletext.settext(mgallarytitle.touppercase(loc));             }              mpullrefreshgridview = (pulltorefreshgridview) findviewbyid(;             mpullrefreshgridview.setmode(mode.pull_from_start);             mgridview = mpullrefreshgridview.getrefreshableview();              mgridviewimageslist = utility.getimageslist(mimageurl,                     imagegridactivity.this);              if (mgridviewimageslist != null && !mgridviewimageslist.isempty()) {                 mimageadapter = new imageadapter(mgridviewimageslist);                 ((gridview) mgridview).setadapter(mimageadapter);             } else {                 // did refresh after previous images loaded in                 // gridview.                 if (utility.checkconnection(imagegridactivity.this)) {                     log.i(tag,                             "wifi/internet connection found , have parse xml");                      final fetchimagesasynctaskfeed asynctask = new fetchimagesasynctaskfeed();                     asynctask.execute(mimageurl);                  }              }              mgridview.setonitemclicklistener(new onitemclicklistener() {                 @override                 public void onitemclick(final adapterview<?> parent,                         final view view, final int position, final long id) {                      if (mgridviewimageslist != null                             && !mgridviewimageslist.isempty()) {                         startimagepageractivity(mgridviewimageslist, position);                     } else {                         log.d(tag, "there no image grid image");                     }                 }             });              // set listener invoked when list should refreshed.             mpullrefreshgridview                     .setonrefreshlistener(new onrefreshlistener2<gridview>() {                          @override                         public void onpulldowntorefresh(                                 pulltorefreshbase<gridview> refreshview) {                             if (mimageurl != null) {                                 final fetchimagesasynctaskfeed asynctask = new fetchimagesasynctaskfeed();                                 asynctask.execute(mimageurl);                             }                         }                          @override                         public void onpulluptorefresh(                                 pulltorefreshbase<gridview> refreshview) {                          }                     });          }      }      /**      * @param position      */     private void startimagepageractivity(             final arraylist<gallaryimage> mimageattributeslist,             final int position) {         string[] urls = new string[mimageattributeslist.size()];         final intent intent = new intent(this, imagepageractivity.class);         intent.putextra(constants.gallary_image_position_bundle_key, position);         (int = 0; < mimageattributeslist.size(); i++) {             urls[i] = mimageattributeslist.get(i).mimageurl;         }         intent.putextra(constants.gallary_images_image_bundle_key, urls);         startactivity(intent);     }      public class imageadapter extends baseadapter {         arraylist<gallaryimage> imagelist = null;          public imageadapter(final arraylist<gallaryimage> imageattributeslist) {             this.imagelist = imageattributeslist;          }          @override         public int getcount() {             return imagelist.size();         }          @override         public object getitem(final int position) {             return imagelist.get(position);         }          @override         public long getitemid(final int position) {             return position;         }          @override         public view getview(final int position, final view convertview,                 final viewgroup parent) {             final imageview imageview;             if (convertview == null) {                 imageview = (imageview) getlayoutinflater().inflate(                         r.layout.item_grid_image, parent, false);             } else {                 imageview = (imageview) convertview;             }              imageloader.displayimage(imagelist.get(position).mimageurl,                     imageview, options);              return imageview;         }          /**          * @param updatedata          */         public void updateddata(arraylist<gallaryimage> imglist) {             this.imagelist = imglist;             notifydatasetchanged();         }     }      private class fetchimagesasynctaskfeed extends             asynctask<string, void, string> {         @override         protected void onpreexecute() {          }          @override         protected string doinbackground(final string... urls) {             try {                 thread.sleep(3000);                 final string imageurl = urls[0];                 final gridviewimagesxmlhandler mgallaryxmlhandler = new gridviewimagesxmlhandler();                 mgridviewimageslist = mgallaryxmlhandler.getimages(imageurl);                 if (mgridviewimageslist != null                         && !mgridviewimageslist.isempty()) {                     utility.setimagesinfromation(imageurl, mgridviewimageslist,                             imagegridactivity.this);                 }             } catch (final exception e) {                 log.e(tag, "exception in fetch images url", e);             }             return null;         }          @override         protected void onpostexecute(final string result) {             if (mgridviewimageslist != null && !mgridviewimageslist.isempty()) {                 if (mimageadapter != null) {                     mimageadapter.updateddata(mgridviewimageslist);                     mpullrefreshgridview.onrefreshcomplete();                 } else {                     mimageadapter = new imageadapter(mgridviewimageslist);                     ((gridview) mgridview).setadapter(mimageadapter);                 }             }             mpullrefreshgridview.onrefreshcomplete();         }     } } 

universal imageloader


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <relativelayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" >  <imageview     android:id="@+id/ivv"     android:layout_gravity="center"     android:layout_width="300dp"     android:layout_height="300dp"      /> <progressbar      android:id="@+id/pb"     android:layout_centerinparent="true"     android:layout_gravity="center"     android:layout_width="wrap_content"     android:layout_height="wrap_content"/>  </relativelayout> 

in adapter constructor

       imageloader imageloader;         displayimageoptions options;          file cachedir = storageutils.getowncachedirectory(a, "myraghu");    // singletone instance of imageloader    imageloader = imageloader.getinstance();  // create configuration imageloader (all options optional)     imageloaderconfiguration config = new imageloaderconfiguration.builder(a)               // can pass own memory cache implementation              .disccacheextraoptions(1024, 1024, compressformat.png, 100)              .disccache(new unlimiteddisccache(cachedir)) // can pass own disc cache implementation              .disccachefilenamegenerator(new hashcodefilenamegenerator())              .enablelogging()              .build();  // initialize imageloader created configuration. once.  imageloader.init(config);     //imageloader.init(imageloaderconfiguration.createdefault(a));    // imageloader=new imageloader(activity.getapplicationcontext());     options = new displayimageoptions.builder()     .showstubimage(r.drawable.ic_launcher)     .cacheinmemory()     .cacheondisc()     .displayer(new roundedbitmapdisplayer(20))     .build(); 

in getview of custom adapter

  public view getview(int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent) {     view vi=convertview;     if(convertview==null)      vi = inflater.inflate(r.layout.rowimage, null);      imageview image=(imageview)vi.findviewbyid(;      progressbar pb= (progressbar)vi.findviewbyid(;      display(null, data.get(position).tostring(), pb);     //imageloader.displayimage(data.get(position).tostring(), image,options);      return vi; }  public void display(imageview img, string url, final progressbar spinner) {     imageloader.displayimage(url, img, options, new imageloadinglistener() {         @override         public void onloadingstarted(string imageuri, view view) {          spinner.setvisibility(view.visible);         }         @override         public void onloadingfailed(string imageuri, view view, failreason failreason) {          spinner.setvisibility(view.gone);           }         @override         public void onloadingcomplete(string imageuri, view view, bitmap loadedimage)                      {          spinner.setvisibility(view.gone);         }         @override         public void onloadingcancelled(string imageuri, view view) {          }  }); } 

resulting snap shot have used listview should work gridview also.

first stub image displayed along progress bar. in case have used launcher icon looks stretched

once image downloaded progress bar dismissed , stub image replaced downloaded one. caches images.

enter image description here


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