windows - How to setup SAPI with Visual C++ 2010 express? -

i need know how can setup sapi (windows speech api) visual c++ 2010 express. got know windows 7 comes built in sapi libs, , using windows 7. however, downloaded sapi 5.1 in case needed. ms instructions setting sapi vs pretty old, didn't work me. if browse previous questions, may notice how have struggled.

please kind enough teach me how setup vs 2010 express, because need apply settings qt , proceed final year project.

please help!

well know. took code previous question, , removed atl stuff (atl not supported on visual studio express 2010). left this

#include <windows.h> #include <sapi.h> #include <iostream>  using namespace std;  int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {     cout << "hello" << endl;     ispvoice * pvoice = null;      if (failed(::coinitialize(null)))         return false;      hresult hr = cocreateinstance(clsid_spvoice, null, clsctx_all, iid_ispvoice, (void **)&pvoice);     if( succeeded( hr ) )     {         cout << "succeeded" << endl;         hr = pvoice->speak(l"hello world", 0, null);         pvoice->release();         pvoice = null;     }     else     {         cout << "not succeeded" << endl;     }      ::couninitialize();     return true; } 

i created standard windows console application project , used code source file. compiled , ran , worked. spoke! in female voice.

i've done 0 set @ all. works out box. never knew library before.

i have windows 7 , vs 2010 express.


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