directx - C# Direct X 9.0c - Mesh Intersect -

i want collide vector of mesh using up-vector.

i have position , vector.. booth calculate far vector

public vector3 setplayertoground(matrix object, matrix player, mesh groundobject)         {              vector3 intersectvector = new vector3(0, 0, 0);              if (groundobject != null)             {                 vector3 player_up = new vector3(player.m12, player.m22, player.m32);                 vector3 playerpos = new vector3(player.m14, player.m24, player.m34);                 vector3 playerpos_far = playerpos - player_up ;         = object;                   intersectinformation closestintersection;                    if (groundobject.intersect(playerpos, playerpos_far, out closestintersection))                 {                     intersectvector = player_up + (playerpos_far * closestintersection.dist);                  }             }              return intersectvector;         } 

well if

vector3 playerpos_far = playerpos + player_up; 

he intersect nothing... object wich want intersect under "position - upvector"

so think

vector3 playerpos_far = playerpos - player_up ; 

is rigth

why cant intersect?

here better description:

image of scene need intersect

here player , ship. player alway @ 0,0,0 because move world around player. if move player forward chance playerposition vector wich chance positions of other objects. think player has nothing intersect.. ship itself. use position 0,0,0 , upvector direction intersectvector of ground ship. matrix of ship (matrix object):

vector3 com = ship.position - gamemanager.player.position;                     matrix world;                     world = matrix.identity * matrix.scaling(0.001f, 0.001f, 0.001f) * matrix.translation(com);            = world; 

i tryed , think wont use translated matrix of ship...

you have provide ray defined position , direction. not have specify 2 points. pass -player_up instead of playerpos_far.

furthermore, intersect method not care transformations. have pretransform ray. transform both ray position , direction inverse world matrix (transform world space model's space) , should fine.

vector3 raystart = playerpos; vector3 raydir = -player_up; matrix world; //the ship's world matrix world = matrix.invert(matrix); raystart = vector3.transformcoordinate(raystart, world); //you may need add out parameter raydir = vector3.transformnormal(raydir, world); groundobject.intersect(raystart, raydir, ... 


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